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金融代写|风险建模代写Risk Modeling代考|Total Risk Management
Total risk management (TRM) can be defined as a systematic, statistically based, holistic process that builds on quantitative risk modeling, assessment, and management. It answers the previously introduced two sets of questions for risk assessment and risk management, and it addresses the set of four sources of failures within a hierarchical-multiobjective framework. Figure $1.5$ depicts the TRM paradigm (the time dimension is implicit in Figure 1.5).
The term hierarchical-multiobjective framework can be explained in the context of TRM. Most, if not all, organizations are hierarchical in their structure and, consequently, in the decisionmaking process that they follow. Furthermore, at each level of the organizational hierarchy, multiple, conflicting, competing, and noncommensurate objectives drive the decisionmaking process. At the heart of good management decisions is the “optimal” allocation of the organization’s resources among its various hierarchical levels and subsystems. The “optimal” allocation is meant in the Pareto optimal sense, where trade-offs among all costs, benefits, and risks are evaluated in terms of hierarchical objectives (and subobjectives) and in terms of their temporal impacts on future options. Methodological approaches for such hierarchical frameworks are discussed in Haimes et al. [1990].
金融代写|风险建模代写Risk Modeling代考|Multiple Objectives: The Student’s Dilemma
The trade-offs among multiple noncommensurate and often conflicting and competing objectives are at the heart of risk management (Chapter 5 is devoted in its entirety to multiobjective analysis). Lowrance [1976] defines safety as the level of risk that is deemed acceptable, and one is invariably faced with deciding the level of safety and the acceptable cost associated with that safety [Chankong and Haimes, 1983, 2008]. The following student dilemma is used to demonstrate the fundamental concepts of Pareto optimality and trade-offs in a multiobjective framework.
A student working part-time to support her college education is faced with the following dilemma that is familiar to all of us:
Maximize $\left{\begin{array}{l}\text { income from part-time work } \ \text { grade-point average } \ \text { leisure time }\end{array}\right.$
In order to use the two-dimensional plane for graphic purposes, we will restrict our discussion to two objectives: maximize income and maximize grade-point average (GPA). We will assume that a total of 70 hours per week are allocated for studying and working. The remaining 98 hours per week are available for “leisure time,”
covering all other activities. Figure $1.6$ depicts the income generated per week as a function of hours of work. Figure $1.7$ depicts the relationship between studying and GPA. Figure $1.8$ is a dual plotting of both functions (income and GPA) versus working time and studying time, respectively.
The concept of optimality in multiple objectives differs in a fundamental way from that of a single objective optimization. Pareto optimality in a multiobjective framework is that solution, policy, or option for which one objective function can be improved only at the expense of degrading another. A Pareto-optimal solution is also known as a noninferior, nondominated, or efficient solution (see Chapter 5). In Figure 1.6, for example, studying up to 60 hours per week (and correspondingly working 10 hours per week) is Pareto optimal, since in this range income is sacrificed for a higher GPA. On the other hand, studying over 60 hours per week (or working less than 10 hours per week) is a non-Pareto-optimal policy, since in this range both income and GPA are diminishing. Similarly, a non-Paretooptimal solution is also known as an inferior, dominated, or non-efficient solution. Figure $1.9$ further distinguishes between Pareto and non-Pareto-optimal solutions by plotting income versus GPA. The line connecting all the square points is called the Pareto-optimal frontier. Note that any point interior to this frontier is nonPareto-optimal. Consider, for example, policy option A. At this point the student makes $\$ 300$ per week at a GPA of just above one, whereas at point $\mathrm{B}$ she makes $\$ 600$ per week at the same GPA level. One can easily show that all points (policy options) interior to the Pareto-optimal frontier are inferior points.

金融代写风风险建模代写Risk Modeling 代考|Total Risk Management
全面风险管理 (TRM) 可以定义为基于定量风险建模、评估和管理的系统化、基于统计的整体过程。它回答 了前面介绍的风险评估和风险管理的两组问题, 并解决了分层多目标框架内的四个故障源。数字 $1.5$ 描述了 TRM 范式(时间维度隐含在图 $1.5$ 中)。
术语分层多目标框架可以在 TRM 的上下文中解释。大多数 (如果不是全部) 组织在其结构上是分层的, 因 此在它们遵循的决策过程中也是如此。此外, 在组织层次结构的每一层, 多个、相互冲突、相互竞争和不相 称的目标驱动着决策过程。良好管理决策的核心是组织资源在其各个层级和子系统之间的“最佳”分配。“最 优”分配是指帕累托最优意义上的,其中所有成本、收益和风险之间的梠衡是根据层次目标 (和子目标) 以 及它们对末来选择的时间影响来评估的。Haimes 等人讨论了这种分层框架的方法论方法。[1990]。
金融代写|风险建模代写Risk Modeling 代考|Multiple Objectives: The Student’s Dilemma
多个不相称且经常相互冲突和相互竞争的目标之间的权衡是风险管理的核心 (第 5 章将完整介绍多目标分 析)。 Lowrance [1976] 将安全定义为被认为可接受的风险水平, 人们总是面临着决定安全水平和与该安 全相关的可接受成本 [Chankong and Haimes, 1983, 2008]。以下学生困境用于演示多目标框架中帕累托 最优和权衡的基本概念。
最大化 $\$ \backslash$ left {
income from part-time work grade-point average leisure time
\right. $\$$
为了将二维平面用于图形目的, 我们将讨论限制在两个目标:最大化收入和最大化平均绩点 (GPA)。我们 假设每周总共有 70 小时用于学习和工作。每周剩余的 98 小时可用于“体闲时间”,
涵盖所有其他活动。数字 $1.6$ 将每周产生的收入描述为工作时间的函数。数字 $1.7$ 描述了学习和GPA之间的关 系。数字 $1.8$ 是两个函数 (收入和 GPA) 分别与工作时间和学习时间的双重绘图。
多目标优化的樃念与单一目标优化的概念有根本的不同。多目标框架中的帕累托最优性是一种解决方安、策 略或选项, 其中一个目标函数只能以降低另一个目标函数为代价。帕累托最优解也称为非劣、非支配或有效 解 (见第 5 章)。例如, 在图 $1.6$ 中, 每周学习最多 60 小时 (相应地每周工作 10 小时) 是帕累托最优 的, 因为在这个范围内, 为了更高的 GPA 而牺牲了收入。另一方面, 每周学习超过 60 小时〈或每周工作 少于 10 小时) 是非帕累托最优政策, 因为在这个范围内, 收入和 GPA 都在减少。类似地, 非帕累托最优 解也称为劣质的、受支配的、或无效的解决方安。数字 $1.9$ 通过绘制收入与 GPA 的关系图, 进一步区分了帕 累托和非帕累托最优解。连接所有正方形点的线称为帕累托最优边界。请注意, 该边界内部的任何点都是非 帕累托最优的。例如, 考虑政策选项 $A$ 。此时学生使 $\$ 300$ 每周 GPA 略高于 1, 而在点B姧做 $\$ 600$ 每周在 相同的 GPA 水平。可以很容易地证明, 帕累托最优边界内部的所有点(策略选项)都是劣等点。

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