如果你也在 怎样代写期货期权Futures Options FIN602这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。期货期权Futures Options是给予投资者在特定日期前以特定价格购买或出售期货合约的权利的合约。期货期权允许更大的可能的资本回报,因为期货有杠杆作用。另外,可以执行定义风险的期权策略来限制潜在的损失。
期货期权Futures Options在金融领域,期权是一种合同,它向其所有者,即持有人,传达了在指定日期或之前以指定的执行价格购买或出售相关资产或工具的权利,但不是义务,这取决于期权的风格。期权通常通过购买获得,作为一种补偿形式,或作为复杂金融交易的一部分。因此,它们也是一种资产形式,其估值可能取决于相关资产价值、到期前时间、市场波动和其他因素之间的复杂关系。期权可以在私人之间进行场外交易,也可以以标准化合约的形式在真实有序的市场上进行交易所交易。
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金融代写|期货期权代写Futures Options代考|Speculation Using Futures
Consider a U.S. speculator who in May thinks that the British pound will strengthen relative to the U.S. dollar over the next 2 months and is prepared to back that hunch to the tune of $£ 250,000$. One thing the speculator can do is purchase $£ 250,000$ in the spot market in the hope that the sterling can be sold later at a higher price. (The sterling once purchased would be kept in an interest-bearing account.) Another possibility is to take a long position in four CME July futures contracts on sterling. (Each futures contract is for the purchase of ${62,500$ in July.) Table $1.4$ summarizes the two alternatives on the assumption that the current exchange rate is $1.2220$ dollars per pound and the July futures price is $1.2223$ dollars per pound. If the exchange rate turns out to be $1.3000$ dollars per pound in July, the futures contract alternative enables the speculator to realize a profit of $(1.3000-1.2223) \times 250,000=\$ 19,425$. The spot market alternative leads to 250,000 units of an asset being purchased for $\$ 1.2220$ in May and sold for $\$ 1.3000$ in July, so that a profit of $(1.3000-1.2220) \times 250,000=\$ 19,500$ is made. If the exchange rate falls to $1.2000$ dollars per pound, the futures contract gives rise to a $(1.2223-1.2000) \times 250,000=\$ 5,575$ loss, whereas the spot market alternative gives rise to a loss of $(1.2220-1.2000) \times 250,000=\$ 5,500$. The futures market alternative appears to give rise to slightly worse outcomes for both scenarios. But this is because the calculations do not reflect the interest that is earned or paid.
What then is the difference between the two alternatives? The first alternative of buying sterling requires an up-front investment of $250,000 \times 1.2220=\$ 305,500$. In contrast, the second alternative requires only a small amount of cash to be deposited by the speculator in what is termed a “margin account”. (The operation of margin accounts is explained in Chapter 2.) In Table 1.4, the initial margin requirement is assumed to be $\$ 5,000$ per contract, or $\$ 20,000$ in total. The futures market allows the speculator to obtain leverage. With a relatively small initial outlay, a large speculative position can be taken.
金融代写|期货期权代写Futures Options代考|Speculation Using Options
Options can also be used for speculation. Suppose that it is October and a speculator considers that a stock is likely to increase in value over the next 2 months. The stock price is currently $\$ 20$, and a 2-month call option with a $\$ 22.50$ strike price is currently selling for $\$ 1$. Table $1.5$ illustrates two possible alternatives, assuming that the speculator is willing to invest $\$ 2,000$. One alternative is to purchase 100 shares; the other involves the purchase of 2,000 call options (i.e., 20 call option contracts). Suppose that the speculator’s hunch is correct and the price of the stock rises to $\$ 27$ by December. The first alternative of buying the stock yields a profit of
100 \times(\$ 27-\$ 20)=\$ 700
However, the second alternative is far more profitable. A call option on the stock with a strike price of $\$ 22.50$ gives a payoff of $\$ 4.50$, because it enables something worth $\$ 27$ to be bought for $\$ 22.50$. The total payoff from the 2,000 options that are purchased under the second alternative is
2,000 \times \$ 4.50=\$ 9,000
Subtracting the original cost of the options yields a net profit of
\$ 9,000-\$ 2,000=\$ 7,000
The options strategy is, therefore, 10 times more profitable than directly buying the stock.
Options also give rise to a greater potential loss. Suppose the stock price falls to $\$ 15$ by December. The first alternative of buying stock yields a loss of
100 \times(\$ 20-\$ 15)=\$ 500
Because the call options expire without being exercised, the options strategy would lead to a loss of $\$ 2,000$ – the original amount paid for the options. Figure $1.5$ shows the profit or loss from the two strategies as a function of the stock price in 2 months.
Options like futures provide a form of leverage. For a given investment, the use of options magnifies the financial consequences. Good outcomes become very good, while bad outcomes result in the whole initial investment being lost.

金融代写|期货期权代写Futures Options代考|Speculation Using Futures
考虑一位美国投机者, 他在 5 月份认为英镑相对于美元将在末来 2 个月内走强, 并准备将这种预感支持到 $£ 250,000$. 投机者可以做的一件事就是购买£250,000在现货市场上, 希望英镑以后能以更高的价格卖 出。(一旦购买的英镑将保存在一个计息账户中。) 另一种可能性是在 CME 的四份 7 月英镑期货合约中持 有多头头寸。(每份期货合约用于买入 $\${62,500$ in July. ) Table1.4
summarizesthetwoalternativesontheassumptionthatthecurrentexchangerateis $1.2220$ dollarsperpoundandtheJulyfuturespriceis $1.2223$
dollarsperpound. Iftheexchangerateturnsouttobe $1.3000$
dollarsperpoundinJuly, the futurescontractalternativeenablesthespeculatortorealizeaprofite (1.3000-1.2223) \times $250,000=\$ 19,425$
. Thespotmarketalternativeleadsto 250,000 unitsofanassetbeingpurchasedfor $\$ 1.2220$ inMayandsoldfor $\$ 1.3000$ in July, sothataprofitof $(1.3000-1.2220) \backslash$ times $250,000=\$$ 19,500ismade. Iftheexchangeratefallsto $1.2000$
dollarsperpound, the futurescontractgivesrisetoa(1.2223-1.2000) \times 250,000= \$5,575 loss, whereasthespotmarketalternativegivesrisetoalossof $(1.2220-1.2000) \backslash$ times 250,000 $=\$ 5,500 \$$ 。对于这两种情况, 期货市场的替代方㝔似平会导致稍差的结果。但这是因为计算不反映赚取或 支付的利息。
那么这两种选择有什么区别呢? 购买英镑的第一种选择需要预先投资 $250,000 \times 1.2220=\$ 305,500$. 相比之下, 第二种选择只需要投机者将少黑现金存入所谓的“保证金账户”。(保证金账户的操作在第 2 章中 解释。) 在表 $1.4$ 中, 假设初始保证金要求为 $\$ 5,000$ 每份合同, 或 $\$ 20,000$ 总共。期货市场允许投机者获 得杠杆。以相对较小的初始支出, 可以采取较大的投机头寸。
金融代写|期货期权代写Futures Options代考|Speculation Using Options
期权也可用于投机。假设现在是 10 月,投机者认为股票在末来 2 个月内可能会肼值。目前股价为 $\$ 20$, 以 及 2 个月的看涨期栙 $\$ 22.50$ 行使价目前为 $\$ 1$. 桌子 $1.5$ 说明了两种可能的选择,假设投机者原意投资 $\$ 2,000$. 一种选择是购买 100 股; 另一种涉及购买 2,00 份看䇵期权(即20份看涨期权合约)。假设投机 者的预感是正确的, 股票价格上泓到 $\$ 27$ 到十二月。购买股票的第一种选择产生的利润为
100 \times(\$ 27-\$ 20)=\$ 700
然而, 第二种选择更有利可图。股票的看涨期权, 执行价格为 $\$ 22.50$ 给出的回报 $\$ 4.50$, 因为它使一些有 价值的东西 $\$ 27$ 要买 $\$ 22.50$. 在第二种选择下购买的 2,000 个期权的总收盅为
2,000 \times \$ 4.50=\$ 9,000
\$ 9,000-\$ 2,000=\$ 7,000
因此, 期权策略的利润是直接购买股票的 10 倍。
期权也会带来更大的潜在损失。假设股价跌至 $\$ 15$ 到十二月。购买股票的第一种选择产生的损失为
100 \times(\$ 20-\$ 15)=\$ 500
由于看泓期权到期末行使, 期权策略会导致损失 $\$ 2,000$ – 为期权支付的原始金额。数字 $1.5$ 显示两种策略在 2 个月内作为股价函数的盈亏。
期货等期标提供了一种杜杆形式。对于给定的投资, 期枝的使用会放大财务后果。好的结果会变得非常好, 而坏的结果会导致整个初始投资的损失。

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