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国际经济学International Economics从供需因素、经济一体化、国际要素流动和政策变量(如关税率和贸易配额)等方面研究商品和服务在国际边界的流动。国际金融研究资本在国际金融市场上的流动,以及这些流动对汇率的影响。国际货币经济学和国际宏观经济学研究货币在各国之间的流动,以及由此对各国经济整体的影响。国际政治经济学是国际关系的一个分支,研究国际冲突、国际谈判和国际制裁等问题和影响;国家安全和经济民族主义;以及国际协议和遵守情况。
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经济代写|国际经济学代写International Economics代考|The International Flow of Goods and Services: The Gravity Model
We have seen that international trade is of growing importance to the nation’s well-being. But which are the major U.S. trade partners and why? In general, we would expect nations to trade more with larger nations (i.e., with nations with larger GDPs) than with smaller ones, with nations that are geographically closer than with nations that are more distant (for which transportation costs would be greater), with nations with more open economic systems than with nations with less open systems, and with nations with similar language and cultural background than with nations that are more different.
In its simplest form, the gravity model postulates that (other things equal) the bilateral trade between two countries is proportional, or at least positively related, to the product of the two countries’ GDPs, and to be smaller, the greater the distance between the two countries (just like in Newton’s law of gravity in physics). That is, the larger (and the more equal in size) and the closer the two countries are, the larger the volume of trade between them is expected to be.
The gravity model can be expressed as follows:
T=C \cdot \frac{Y_1 \cdot Y_2}{D}
$T=$ the value of the international trade between two countries (1 and 2)
$C=$ a constant
$Y=$ GDP
$D=$ the distance between countries 1 and 2
Gravity equation (1-1) reads as follows: $T$ (the value of international trade between countries 1 and 2) is equal to $C$ (a constant) times $Y_1$ (the GDP of country 1) times $Y_2$ (the GDP country 2), divided by $D$ (the distance between countries 1 and 2). The constant, $C$, gives (scales) the magnitude of the relationship among the gravity terms (i.e., $Y_1$ and $Y_2$, and $D$ ). We expect the relationship to hold only approximately because there are other factors that affect trade between two countries besides the major ones specified by the model.
经济代写|国际经济学代写International Economics代考|The International Flow of Labor and Capital
Besides trade in goods and services, the international flow of people (migration) and capital across national boundaries is another measure or indicator of economic integration and globalization in the world economy.
Today, there are about 190 million people in the world who live in a country other than the one in which they were born-nearly 60 percent of them are in rich countries (about 36 million in Europe and 38 million in the United States). People migrate primarily for economic reasons (i.e., to improve their standard of living and provide more opportunities for their children), but some do so to escape political and religious oppression. The 38 million foreign-born people who live in the United States represent $12.5$ percent of the U.S. population and $16.2$ percent of the American labor force. Of these, over 11 million, or nearly 30 percent, entered the nation illegally. Most nations impose restrictions on immigration to reduce the inflow of low-skilled people (while often encouraging the immigration of highly skilled and technical people). Migration is generally more restricted and regulated than the international flow of goods, services, and capital. (International labor migration is examined in detail in Section 12.6.)
In general, capital flows more freely across national boundaries than people. Financial or portfolio capital (bank loans and bonds) generally moves to nations and markets where interest rates are higher, and foreign direct investments in plants and firms flow to nations where expected profits are higher. This leads to the more efficient use of capital and generally benefits both lenders and borrowers. During the 1970s, Middle Eastern nations deposited a great deal of their huge earnings from petroleum exports in New York and London banks, which then lent (recycled) them to Latin American and Asian governments and corporations. During the 1980s, Japan invested a large chunk of its huge export earnings in financial assets and real estate and to set up corporate subsidiaries in the United States.
Since the mid-1980s, the United States has become an increasingly large net borrower from the rest of the world to cover its excess of spending over production (see Case Study 1-6). Global banks established branches in major international monetary centers around the world (New York, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Singapore). More than $\$ 5$ trillion (about 30 percent of the size of the U.S. GDP or economy) of foreign currencies are exchanged each day by around-the-clock trading in world financial centers, and newly established sovereign funds (financial institutions owned by Middle Eastern petroleum exporting nations, Norway, Singapore, China, Russia, and Brazil) are making huge investments of all kinds all over the world. Financial markets are globalized as never before. The downside is that when a financial crisis starts in one country, it quickly spreads to others. (International capital flows are examined in detail in Chapter 12 and financial crises in Chapter 21.)

经济代写|国际经济学代写International Economics代考|The International Flow of Goods and Services: The Gravity Model
我们已经看到, 国际贸易对国家福祉的重要性日益增加。但哪毕是美国的主要贸易伙伴, 为什么? 一般来 说, 我们希望国家与较大的国家(即与 GDP 较大的国家) 进行更多贸易, 而不是与较小的国家进行贸易, 与地理上更近的国家比与更远的玉家(运输成本会更高)进行婴易,经济体系更开放的国家比开放程度低的
最简单的引力模型假设(在其他条件相同的情况下)两国之间的双边贸易与两国 GDP 的乘积成正比, 或者 至少是正相关,越小,两国之间的距离越大。这两个国家(就像牛顿物理学中的万有引力昰律一样)。也就 是说,两国越大(而且规模越平等),距离越近,预计它们之间的贸易量就越大。
T=C \cdot \frac{Y_1 \cdot Y_2}{D}
在哪里 $T=$ 两国之间的国际贸易价值(1和 2$)$
$T=$ 两国之间的国 $C=$ 个常数 $Y=$ 国内生产总值
$Y=$ 国内生产总值 $D=$ 国家 1 和 2 之间的距离
重力方程 (1-1) 如下: $T$ (国家 1 和 2 之间的国际贸易价值) 等于 $C$ (常数) 次 $Y_1$ (国家 GDP 1)次 $Y_2$
(即, $Y_1$ 和 $Y_2$, 和 $D$ )。㧴们预计这种关系只会大致保持, 因为除了模型指定的主要因素之外, 还有其他 因素会影响两国之间的贸易。
经济代写|国际经济学代写International Economics代考|The International Flow of Labor and Capital
除货物和服务贸易外, 八员 (移民) 和跨国界资本的国际流动是世界经济经济一体化和全球化的另一个衡荲 标准或指标。
今天,世界上有大约 $1.9$ 亿人生活在地们出生的国家以外的国家一一其中近 $60 \%$ 生活在富裕国家(约 3600 万在欧沭,3800万在美国)。八们迁移主要是出于经济原因〈即提高他们的生活水平并为他们的孩 子提供更多机会),但有些入这样做是为了逃避政治和宗教压迫。居住在美国的 3800 万外国出生的久代表 12.5美国人口的百分比和 $16.2$ 占美国劳动力的百分比。其中,超过 1100 万久或近 $30 \%$ 是非法入境的。大 服屴和穼弄究。
和市场, 而对工厂和公司的外国直接投资则流向预期利润较高的国家。这导致更有效地利用资本, 并且通常
使贷方和借方都受益。在 1970 年代, 中东国家将石油出口的巨额收入存入纽约和伦敦的银行, 然后将其借
给 (回收) 给拉丁美㳞和亚洲的政府和公司。在 1980 年代, 日本将其巨额出口收入的很大一部分投资于金
融资产和房地产, 并在美国设立公司子公司。
自 1980 年代中期以来, 美国已成为世界其他地区日益庬大的净借款国, 以弥补其支出超过生产的过剩(见
㟚例研究 1-6)。全球银行在全球主要国际货币中心 (纽约、伦敦、法兰克福、东京、上海和新加坡) 设立 了分支机构。多于 $\$ 5$ 世界金融中心和新成立的主极基金(中东石油出口国拥有的金融机构,挪威、新加坡、
中国、俄罗斯和巴西)正在世界各地进行各种巨额投资。金融市场前所末有地全球化。不利的一面是,当金 融危机在一个国家开始时,它会迅速瞢延到其他国家。(第 12 章详细研究了国际资本流动, 第 21 章对金融 危机进行了详细研究。)

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