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发展经济学Development Economics涉及到理论和方法的创建,这些理论和方法有助于政策和实践的确定,可以在国内或国际层面上实施。这可能涉及到重组市场激励机制或使用数学方法,如跨时优化进行项目分析,也可能涉及到定量和定性方法的混合。常见的主题包括增长理论、贫困和不平等、人力资本和机构。与许多其他经济学领域不同的是,发展经济学的方法可能会纳入社会和政治因素来制定特定的计划。[5] 同样与许多其他经济学领域不同的是,对于学生应该知道什么并没有共识。
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经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|The period under review
Historically the period examined starts from the 1950 s, the time of the young officer’s coup in Egypt and the revolutions in Syria and Iraq. ${ }^{13}$ These resulted in major changes in economic policy, and a reorientation in development for these states. For the Gulf the 1950s marked the beginning of the rapid rise in oil revenues, with dramatic consequences for development and an ultimate transformation of economic activity.
This study is not an economic history any more than it is an economic geography. Development theories and approaches are best tested by considering the historical experience. This may involve the evaluation of qualitative information as well as computation using hard data. Statistics for Middle Eastern economies must be treated with caution. This applies especially for the period prior to 1970 when data collection techniques were much less reliable than they have since become. Nevertheless there are advantages in taking the 1950s as a starting point and a 70 -year time span. By evaluating a relatively long period the increased number of observations improves the statistical significance of any econometric analysis. Such analysis is not attempted in this study, but for the more technically minded reader, some of the articles referred to in the bibliography contain this type of work. The evaluation of qualitative information also becomes more reliable, as, for example, it is easier to assess the impact of Turkey’s more market oriented policies in the 1980 s if the outcomes of the more interventionist approaches of the three previous decades are understood.
There are a number of excellent texts on the economic history of the Middle East, the books by Roger Owen ${ }^{14}$ and Charles Issawi ${ }^{15}$ deserving particular mention. The former covers the 1800 to 1914 period on a chronological basis, and is essentially concerned with the impact of the European powers. Issawi’s work covers the period up to 1980 , but the latter period is inevitably dealt with rather thinly given the scope of the book. Like the present volume, Issawi adopts a subject oriented approach, the major theme being the impact of the West through trade and finance and the Middle Eastern response through agricultural expansion, de-industrialisation and re-industrialisation.
Books in economic history do not date of course, but since the early 1980 s there have been no new substantive volumes on the Middle East. The book edited by George Sabagh is worth noting however, especially the chapters on labour mobility by Roger Owen, oil and economic development by Homa Katouzian and educational change by Carter Findley. ${ }^{16}$ An earlier edited volume which contains some interesting contributions on Egypt, Iran and Turkey is the work by Elie Kedourie. ${ }^{17}$ Labour issues figure prominently, and the chapter by Marius Deeb on “Bank Misr and the Emergence of the Local Bourgeoisie in Egypt” is undoubtedly a classic in its field.
经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|Issues and themes
It is of course an ambitious task to write a book examining the development experience of an entire region such as the Middle East. There is nevertheless much merit in treating the region as a single entity despite its diversity of experience. Islam is the dominant religion throughout the region, and Muslim beliefs have important implications for the economic value systems which can win popular acceptance. Oil is another matter of regional significance, not only for the oil exporting states, but also for those dependent on Gulf aid and remittances.
Although the coverage is wide ranging, there is selectivity in the topics chosen, with the concentration being on those development issues which are especially relevant for the Middle East. Area studies specialists are clearly most interested in development concepts which are applicable to their region of interest. Looked at from the point of view of development studies, the focus is on those topics where the Middle Eastern experience is deemed to be particularly illuminating in highlighting both constraints and possibilities.
Apart from the issues of Islamic economic values and oil resources, there are other development subjects where the Middle Eastern experience is important. Conflict and war is clearly one such topic, even though this is neglected in traditional development texts. There is conflict weariness in the Middle East, not least because issues such as the aspirations of many Palestinians for their own independent state seem further away from resolution than ever. The nuclear ambitions of Iran are also of great concern to its Arab neighbours, especially in the Gulf, and there is dismay at the changed power structure in Iraq which seems to have played into the hands of Tehran, even if that was never the intention of the United States. Elsewhere the situation in Lebanon remains volatile, and the leadership succession creates uncertainty in some states otherwise deemed to be stable, notably Saudi Arabia. The Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, may appear to be in charge, and has focused on the economy, but he has many powerful enemies, not least within the royal family.

经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|The period under review
从历史上看,所考察的时期始于 1950 年代,即埃及年轻军官发动政变以及叙利亚和伊拉克革命的时期。13这些导致经济政策发生重大变化,并重新定位这些国家的发展方向。对于海湾地区而言,1950 年代标志着石油收入快速增长的开始,对发展和经济活动的最终转变产生了巨大影响。
这项研究既不是经济史,也不是经济地理学。发展理论和方法最好通过考虑历史经验来检验。这可能涉及对定性信息的评估以及使用硬数据的计算。必须谨慎对待中东经济体的统计数据。这尤其适用于 1970 年之前的时期,当时数据收集技术的可靠性远不如从那时起。尽管如此,以 1950 年代为起点和 70 年的时间跨度是有优势的。通过评估相对较长的时期,增加的观察次数提高了任何计量经济学分析的统计意义。本研究并未尝试进行此类分析,但对于更具有技术头脑的读者来说,参考书目中提到的一些文章包含此类作品。定性信息的评估也变得更加可靠,例如,如果了解前三个十年更多干预主义方法的结果,就更容易评估土耳其在 1980 年代更加以市场为导向的政策的影响。
有许多关于中东经济史的优秀著作,罗杰·欧文的著作14和查尔斯·伊萨维15值得特别提及。前者按时间顺序涵盖 1800 年至 1914 年期间,主要关注欧洲列强的影响。Issawi 的作品涵盖了 1980 年之前的时期,但鉴于本书的范围,后者不可避免地被处理得相当薄。与本卷一样,Issawi 采用以主题为导向的方法,主要主题是西方通过贸易和金融的影响以及中东通过农业扩张、去工业化和再工业化的反应。
经济史书籍当然没有日期,但自 1980 年代初以来,就没有关于中东的新的实质性书籍。然而,George Sabagh 编辑的书值得注意,尤其是 Roger Owen 的劳动力流动性、Homa Katouzian 的石油和经济发展以及 Carter Findley 的教育变革的章节。16Elie Kedourie 的作品是较早编辑的一卷,其中包含一些关于埃及、伊朗和土耳其的有趣贡献。17劳工问题尤为突出,Marius Deeb 撰写的“Bank Misr 与埃及地方资产阶级的出现”一章无疑是该领域的经典之作。
经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|Issues and themes
除了伊斯兰经济价值和石油资源问题,中东经验也很重要。冲突和战争显然是这样的主题之一,尽管这在传统的发展文本中被忽略了。中东存在对冲突的厌倦,尤其是因为许多巴勒斯坦人对自己独立国家的渴望等问题似乎比以往任何时候都更难以解决。伊朗的核野心也引起其阿拉伯邻国的极大关注,特别是在海湾地区,人们对伊拉克改变的权力结构感到沮丧,这似乎已经落入了德黑兰的手中,即使这从来都不是伊朗的意图。美国。黎巴嫩其他地方的局势依然动荡,领导层的继任给一些原本被认为是稳定的国家带来了不确定性,特别是沙特阿拉伯。王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)看似掌权,并专注于经济,但他有许多强大的敌人,尤其是在王室内部。

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