如果你也在 怎样代写概率模型Statistical Model STA3064这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。概率模型Statistical Model是一个数学模型,它体现了一组关于生成样本数据(和来自更大人口的类似数据)的统计假设。统计模型通常以相当理想化的形式表示数据产生的过程。统计模型通常被指定为一个或多个随机变量与其他非随机变量之间的数学关系。因此,统计模型是 “一种理论的正式表述”Herman Adèr引用Kenneth Bollen的话。
概率模型Statistical Model是一类特殊的数学模型。统计模型与其他数学模型的不同之处在于,统计模型是非确定性的。因此,在通过数学方程指定的统计模型中,一些变量没有具体的数值,而是有概率分布;也就是说,一些变量是随机的。在上面关于儿童身高的例子中,ε是一个随机变量;如果没有这个随机变量,这个模型将是确定性的。
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统计代写|概率模型代写Statistical Model代考|Wald Intervals
If we are willing to make a more stringent assumption about the relationship between the data and the model then we will realize further benefits for our estimates. Previously, we assumed that the observations are conditionally independent with identical variance and that the model form is correct. We may also assume that the residuals are normally distributed. If we do, then it is natural to think of maximum likelihood in this context, as we have finally brought enough assumptions to bear, and as described in Section 2.3.3, maximum likelihood estimates have desirable statistical properties.
The model for our data is now
y_i \stackrel{d}{=} \mathcal{N}\left(\beta_0+\beta_1 x_i, \sigma^2\right)
Note that there are some important changes compared with the previous model.
First, we have written a completely specified joint PDF for the data. In order to fit this model we will, in theory, need to obtain parameter estimates for all the unknown parameters. Previously, in least-squares regression, we did not need to estimate $\sigma^2$ unless we were interested in obtaining estimates of the standard errors of our parameter estimates. Here, $\sigma^2$ is an integral part of the model. It turns out in this case that point estimates of the other parameters can be obtained without estimating $\sigma^2$, because of the structure of the log likelihood, but that is a consequence of the special nature of this particular model. Often we will be required to find estimates for all the parameters in the model, even the ones that we are not interested in interpreting. The latter will be called ancillary parameters. They are sometimes referred to as nuisance parameters, but we prefer to avoid the value judgment.
Second, we have specified the conditional distribution of the response variable. The model specifies that the response variable will be conditionally normally distributed. This is a useful assumption that, if demonstrated to be reasonable, will bring more powerful properties to our estimates. We will need to check this additional assumption as part of the fitting process. Note that if we fail to check such assumptions, then any claims that we make about the model that are derived from the calculated log-likelihood are unsupported!
Recall that maximum likelihood estimation is another optimization problem, like least-squares estimation, just with a different objective function. We now write a function that will evaluate the log-likelihood as a function of the data and the parameters.
统计代写|概率模型代写Statistical Model代考|Easing Model Specification
$R$ provides a formula class that enables the straightforward communication of certain kinds of models. Objects of this class are particularly useful for communicating linear predictors. We can use the formula object, in conjunction with a dataframe that contains the fitting data, to communicate the response variable and the linear predictor in $\mathrm{R}$ as follows.
This small section of code provides us with powerful model-handling capabilities. The model.frame function uses the formula and data objects to create a dataframe that contains and organizes the necessary pieces for fitting the model. We extract the response variable from data by using the model.response function.
We create the model matrix from the formula and data objects by using the model.matrix function. This approach will handle a wide range of different model specifications, for example, models that include interactions between predictor variables or transformations of predictor variables can all be communicated by the formula object and will be represented in the model matrix. Furthermore, model. matrix automatically creates the necessary dummy variables to represent any factors under one of a range of different types of contrasts.
统计代写|概率模型代写Statistical Model代考|Wald Intervals
如果我们原意对数据和模型之间的关系做出更严格的假设, 那么我们的估计将进一步受益。以前, 我们假设 观测值是条件独立的, 具有相同的方差, 并且模型形式是正确的。我们也可以假设残差是正态分布的。如果 我们这样做了, 那么在这种情况下考虑最大似然是很自然的, 因为我们最终带来了足够的假设来承担, 并且 如第 $2.3 .3$ 节所述, 最大似然估计具有理想的统计特性。 我们的数据模型现在是
y_i \stackrel{d}{=} \mathcal{N}\left(\beta_0+\beta_1 x_i, \sigma^2\right)
请注意, 与以前的模型相比, 有一些重要的变化。
首先, 我们为数据编写了一个完全指定的联合 PDF。为了拟合这个模型, 理论上, 我们需要获得所有末知 参数的参数估计。以前, 在最小二乘回归中, 我们不需要估计 $\sigma^2$ 除非我们对获得参数估计的标准误差的估计 感兴穝。这里, $\sigma^2$ 是模型的一个组成部分。事实证明, 在这种情况下, 可以在不估计的情况下获得其他参数 的点估计 $\sigma^2$, 因为对数似然的结构, 但这是这个特定模型的特殊性质的结果。通常, 我们需要找到模型中所 有参数的估计值, 甚至是那些我们不感兴趣解释的参数。后者将被称为辅助参数。它们有时被称为讨厌的参 数, 但䇝们更原意避免价值判断。
其次, 我们已经指定了响应变量的条件分布。该模型指定响应变量将是有条件的正态分布。这是一个有用的 假设, 如果被证明是合理的, 将为我们的估计带来更强大的属性。作为拟合过程的一部分, 我们需要检查这 个额外的假设。请注意, 如果我们末能检查这些假设, 那么我们对从计算的对数似然得出的模型所做的任何 声明都是不支持的!
回想一下, 最大似然估计是另一个优化问题, 就像最小二乘估计一样, 只是具有不同的目标函数。我们现在 编写一个函数, 将评估对数似然作为数据和参数的函数。
统计代写|概率模型代写Statistical Model代考|Easing Model Specification
$R$ 提供了一个公式类, 使某些类型的模型能够直接通信。此类对象对于传达线性预测变量特别有用。涐们可 以使用公式对象, 结合包含拟合数据的数据框, 来传达响应变量和线性预测器R如下。
这一小段代码为我们提供了强大的模型处理能力。model.frame 函数使用公式和数据对象来创建一个数据 框, 其中包含并组织了拟合模型所需的部分。我们使用 model.response 函数从数据中提取响应变量。
我们使用 model.matrix 函数从公式和数据对象创建模型矩阵。这种方法将处理各种不同的模型规范, 例 如, 包括预测变量之间的交互或预测变量转换的模型都可以通过公式对象进行通信, 并将在模型矩阵中表 示。此外, 模型。矩阵自动创建必要的虚拟变量来表示在一系列不同类型的对比中的任何一个因素。
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