数据科学代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|AEM4070 Introduction and Motivation

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金融统计Financial Statistics第二大类金融统计数据评估的是证券市场的行为。大多数金融市场发达的国家都有各种指数,追踪整体市场活动或特定市场部分的活动。在美国,这些指数的例子有道琼斯工业平均指数、标准/普尔500指数和纽约证券交易所综合指数。其他例子包括英国的金融时报100指数,日本的日经225指数和法国的CAC40指数。这些被广泛关注的指数中的每一个都在追踪一般的市场状况。市场指数可以通过其构建方法或其包含的证券样本来区分。

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数据科学代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|AEM4070 Introduction and Motivation

数据科学代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Introduction and Motivation

A financial asset is referred to as a “safe haven” asset if it provides hedging benefits during periods of market turbulence. In other words, during periods of market stress, “safe haven” assets are supposed to be uncorrelated, or negatively correlated, with large markets slumps experienced by more traditional financial assets (typically stock or bond prices).

The financial literature identifies various asset classes exhibiting “safe haven” features: gold and other precious metals, the exchange rates of some key international currencies against the US dollar, oil and other important agricultural commodities, and US long-term government bonds.

This paper contributes to the existing literature focusing on some of the most representative “safe haven” assets, namely gold, the Swiss Franc/US dollar exchange rate, and oil. The main motivation behind this choice is twofold.

First, empirical research on these assets have attracted major attention in recent years, both from academia and from institutional investors. Second, there are some weaknesses in the applied literature that need to be addressed.

The hedging properties of gold and its monetary role as a store of value are widely documented. Jaffe (1989) and Chua et al. (1990) find that gold yields significant portfolio diversification benefits. Moreover, the “safe haven” properties of gold in volatile market conditions are widely documented: See, among others, Baur and McDermott (2010), Hood and Malik (2013), Reboredo (2013), and Ciner et al. (2013).
The popular views of gold as a store of value and a “safe haven” asset are well described in Baur and McDermott (2010). As reported by these authors, the 17th Century British Mercantilist Sir William Petty described gold as “wealth at all times and all places” (Petty 1690). This popular perception of gold spreads over centuries, reinforced by its historic links to money, and even today gold is described as “an attractive each way bet” against risks of financial losses or inflation (Economist 2005, 2009).

Turning to the role of the Swiss Franc as a “safe haven” asset, Ranaldo and Söderlind (2010) documented that the Swiss currency yields substantial hedging benefits against a decrease in US stock prices and an increase in forex volatility. These findings corroborate earlier results (Kugler and Weder 2004; Campbell et al. 2010). More recent research documented that increased risk aversion after the 2008 global financial turmoil strengthened the “safe haven” role of the Swiss currency (Tamakoshi and Hamori 2014).

数据科学代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Data and Descriptive Statistics

The analysis relies on monthly data from $1999 \mathrm{M} 1$ to $2018 \mathrm{M} 10$. All data were obtained from Thomson Reuters/Datastream. ${ }^{1}$ Gold price is expressed in US Dollars (henceforth USD) and refers to one troy ounce gold bullion. Oil price is expressed in USD and refers to the spot price of Brent Crude Oil per barrel. With regards to the Swiss Franc/USD exchange rate, the Swiss Franc is assumed as the domestic currency (number of Swiss Franc units per one USD unit).

Increases in gold and oil prices correspond to increases in these assets returns, whereas the reverse holds for the Swiss currency. A decrease in the exchange rate corresponds to a Swiss Franc appreciation, thus capturing an increase in Swiss Franc returns.
Figures $1-3$ plot the evolution of these series.

The gold price exhibits a strong increasing trend during most of the sample. This trend was suddenly, but only temporarily, interrupted from the second quarter of 2008 to the end of that year. According to the consensus view, although gold market fundamentals remained favorable throughout 2008, this temporary slowdown was caused by an “investors meltdown” during the global financial crisis, which induced a massive selling of all assets (including gold and silver) by highly leveraged investors in order to cover losses in other markets. From early 2009 to November 2011 (when a record peak was reached), gold price replicated a steady and even faster increasing trend, apparently displaying its “safe haven” property during most of the Eurozone debt crisis. After a prolonged downturn in 2013, usually attributed to concomitant causes (China’s weak gold demand, Cyprus Central Bank gold sales, massive ETF’s sales, and bearish gold reports by major investment banks), the gold price stabilized in subsequent years oscillating around a stable trading range.

数据科学代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|AEM4070 Introduction and Motivation


数据科学代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Introduction and Motivation





黄金的对冲属性及其作为价值储存手段的货币作用已被广泛记录。Jaffe (1989) 和 Chua 等人。(1990) 发现黄金产生了显着的投资组合多样化收益。此外,在波动的市场条件下,黄金的“避风港”属性已被广泛记录:参见 Baur 和 McDermott(2010 年)、Hood 和 Malik(2013 年)、Reboredo(2013 年)和 Ciner 等人。(2013)。
Baur 和 McDermott (2010) 很好地描述了黄金作为价值储存和“避风港”资产的流行观点。正如这些作者所报道的,17 世纪的英国重商主义者威廉·佩蒂爵士将黄金描述为“随时随地的财富”(佩蒂 1690 年)。这种对黄金的普遍看法传播了几个世纪,并因其与货币的历史联系而得到加强,即使在今天,黄金也被描述为对抗金融损失或通货膨胀风险的“一种有吸引力的单向赌注”(Economist 2005, 2009)。

谈到瑞士法郎作为“避风港”资产的作用,Ranaldo 和 Söderlind (2010) 证明,瑞士货币在美国股票价格下跌和外汇波动性增加的情况下产生了巨大的对冲收益。这些发现证实了早期的结果(Kugler 和 Weder 2004;Campbell 等人 2010)。最近的研究表明,在 2008 年全球金融风暴之后,风险厌恶情绪的增加加强了瑞士货币的“避风港”作用(Tamakoshi 和 Hamori 2014)。

数据科学代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Data and Descriptive Statistics

该分析依赖于每月的数据1999米1至2018米10. 所有数据均来自 Thomson Reuters/Datastream。1黄金价格以美元(以下简称美元)表示,指的是一金衡盎司金条。油价以美元表示,是指每桶布伦特原油的现货价格。关于瑞士法郎/美元汇率,假定瑞士法郎为本国货币(每 1 美元单位的瑞士法郎单位数)。


在大多数样本中,黄金价格呈现出强劲的上涨趋势。从 2008 年第二季度到当年年底,这一趋势突然中断,但只是暂时中断。普遍认为,尽管黄金市场基本面在 2008 年全年保持良好,但这种暂时放缓是由全球金融危机期间的“投资者崩溃”造成的,导致高杠杆投资者大量抛售所有资产(包括黄金和白银)以弥补其他市场的损失。从 2009 年初到 2011 年 11 月(达到创纪录的高点),黄金价格复制了稳定甚至更快的上涨趋势,在欧元区债务危机的大部分时间里,显然显示出其“避风港”的属性。在经历了 2013 年的长期低迷后,

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