如果你也在 怎样代写贝叶斯统计Bayesian Statistics STA365H1这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。贝叶斯统计Bayesian Statistics是统计学领域的一种理论,基于对概率的贝叶斯解释,其中概率表达了对某一事件的相信程度。相信的程度可以基于关于该事件的先验知识,如以前的实验结果,或基于个人对该事件的信念。这与其他一些对概率的解释不同,例如频繁主义的解释将概率视为一个事件在多次试验后的相对频率的极限。
贝叶斯统计Bayesian Statistics方法使用贝叶斯定理来计算和更新获得新数据后的概率。贝叶斯定理描述了基于数据以及关于该事件或与该事件相关的条件的先验信息或信念的事件的条件概率。例如,在贝叶斯推理中,贝叶斯定理可用于估计概率分布或统计模型的参数。由于贝叶斯统计学将概率视为信仰的程度,所以贝叶斯定理可以直接将量化信仰的概率分布分配给参数或参数集。
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Bayesian textbooks often heavily emphasise the academic reasons for choosing a Bayesian analysis over Frequentist approaches. Authors often neglect to promote the more tangible, everyday benefits of the former. Here we list the following real benefits of a Bayesian approach:
- Simple and intuitive model testing and comparison. The prior and posterior predictive distributions allow for in-depth testing of any particular aspect of a model, by comparing data simulated from these distributions with the real data.
- Straightforward interpretation of results. In Frequentist analyses, the confidence interval is often taken to be a simple measure of uncertainty. As we shall see in Section 7.7.1, this is not the case, and interpretation of this concept is not straightforward. By contrast, Bayesian credible intervals have a more common sense interpretation which better aligns with the view that they quantify the uncertainty inherent in estimation.
- Full model flexibility. Modern Bayesian analyses use computational simulation to carry out analyses. While this might appear excessive when compared to Frequentist statistics, a benefit is that Bayesian models can be easily extended to encompass a data-generating process of any complexity. This is in contrast to Frequentist approaches, where the intrinsic difficulty of analysis often scales with the complexity of the model chosen.
- Less important to remember mathematical formulae and statistical tests, and less opportunity for misuse of tests. For someone attempting to learn Frequentist inference, there are considerable barriers to entry. There are a range of mathematical and statistical results (with somewhat random names) that are necessary to know in order to do inference. The assumptions behind each of these results are typically not self-evident, particularly when using statistical software for inference. This means that there is ample opportunity for their misuse. In Bayesian inference, by contrast, we typically build models from the ground up, starting with our assumptions about a process. While this might appear repetitive at times, this approach means that we do not need a working knowledge of disparate statistical tests. It also means that there is less opportunity to misuse Bayesian models since we explicitly state our assumptions as part of the model building process.
- The best predictions. Leading figures, both inside and outside of academia, use Bayesian approaches for prediction. An example is Nate Silver’s correct prediction of the 2008 US presidential election results [32].
统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写Bayesian Statistics代考|SUGGESTED FURTHER READING
A good book should leave the reader wanting more. Due to the finiteness of this text, we recommend the following books, articles and websites. These are not necessarily all on Bayesian statistics but fall under the wider categories of statistical inference and learning. We also provide a score of the complexity of these texts to help guide your choice:
- Bayesian Data Analysis (intermediate-expert): A masterpiece produced by the master statisticians Andrew Gelman and Donald Rubin, among others. This is the most all-encompassing and up-to-date text available on applied Bayesian data analysis. There are plenty of examples of Bayesian analysis applied to real-world data that are well explained [14]. However, the mathematical and statistical knowledge assumed by this book can be intimidating, especially if you are just starting out in the world of inference. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models (master): Another belter from Andrew Gelman along with co-author Jennifer Hill, this takes the reader through numerous examples of regression modelling and hierarchical analysis. The text is not solely limited to Bayesian analysis and covers Frequentist methods as well. Again, the level for this text is probably too high for a student not well versed in statistics.
- Mastering Metrics (introductory): This is a great back-to-basics book on causal inference by the masters of econometrics Josh Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke. It is an exhibition of the five main methods for conducting causal inference using Frequentist statistics in the social sciences: regression, matching, instrumental variables, differences-in-differences and regression discontinuity design. This is a readable text and is suitable for anyone wanting to learn about economic policy evaluation.
- Mostly Harmless Econometrics (master-of-metrics): Another by Josh Angrist and JörnSteffen Pischke, this thorough and mathematically detailed text takes the reader through most of those methods used in Frequentist causal inference today. Its small size is deceptive; it is not one to read over a single weekend. However, it is worth persisting with this book, as the nuggets that await the determined reader are worth their weight in gold. Also see Gelman’s review of this book, which provides an interesting critique of the text.

- 简单直观的模型测试和比较。通过比较从这些分布模拟的数据与真实数据,先验和后验预测分布允许对模型的任何特定方面进行深入测试。
- 直接解释结果。在频率分析中,置信区间通常被视为一种简单的不确定性度量。正如我们将在第 7.7.1 节中看到的那样,情况并非如此,并且对这个概念的解释并不简单。相比之下,贝叶斯可信区间具有更常识性的解释,这更符合他们量化估计中固有的不确定性的观点。
- 完全的模型灵活性。现代贝叶斯分析使用计算模拟来进行分析。虽然与频率统计相比,这可能显得过分,但好处是贝叶斯模型可以很容易地扩展到包含任何复杂性的数据生成过程。这与Frequentist方法形成对比,后者分析的内在难度通常与所选模型的复杂性成比例。
- 记住数学公式和统计测试不太重要,滥用测试的机会也更少。对于试图学习频率推理的人来说,有相当大的进入障碍。为了进行推理,必须知道一系列数学和统计结果(名称有些随机)。这些结果背后的假设通常不是不言而喻的,尤其是在使用统计软件进行推理时。这意味着它们有足够的机会被滥用。相比之下,在贝叶斯推理中,我们通常从头开始构建模型,从我们对过程的假设开始。虽然这有时可能看起来是重复的,但这种方法意味着我们不需要不同统计测试的工作知识。
- 最好的预测。学术界内外的领军人物都使用贝叶斯方法进行预测。一个例子是 Nate Silver 对 2008 年美国总统大选结果的正确预测 [32]。
统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写Bayesian Statistics代考|SUGGESTED FURTHER READING
- 贝叶斯数据分析(中级专家):由统计学大师安德鲁·格尔曼和唐纳德·鲁宾等人创作的杰作。这是应用贝叶斯数据分析中最全面和最新的文本。有很多贝叶斯分析的例子应用于现实世界的数据,这些例子得到了很好的解释[14]。然而,本书所假设的数学和统计知识可能令人生畏,尤其是当您刚刚开始进入推理领域时。Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models (master):Andrew Gelman 和合著者 Jennifer Hill 的另一位专家,这将带领读者了解大量回归建模和层次分析的示例。该文本不仅限于贝叶斯分析,还涵盖了频率学方法。再次,
- Mastering Metrics(介绍性):这是一本由计量经济学大师 Josh Angrist 和 Jörn-Steffen Pischke 撰写的关于因果推理的很棒的回归基础书籍。它展示了在社会科学中使用频率统计进行因果推断的五种主要方法:回归、匹配、工具变量、差异中的差异和回归不连续性设计。这是一个可读的文本,适合任何想了解经济政策评估的人。
- Mostly Harmless Econometrics (master-of-metrics):另一个由 Josh Angrist 和 JörnSteffen Pischke 撰写,这本详尽且数学详细的文本带读者了解当今频率论因果推理中使用的大多数方法。它的小尺寸具有欺骗性;这不是一个周末就能读完的书。然而,这本书值得坚持,因为等待有决心的读者的金块价值不菲。另请参阅 Gelman 对本书的评论,其中提供了对文本的有趣批评。

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