物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|FY828 Canonical Ensemble

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物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|FY828 Canonical Ensemble

物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|Canonical Ensemble

Microcanonical ensembles are difficult to realize experimentally because every energy exchange with the environment has to be suppressed. It is more common to deal with systems exhibiting a fixed temperature $T$ such as experiments at room temperature. The corresponding ensemble is called canonical ensemble (see Figure 3.4).

At a given temperature $T$, the probability for a system to be in a certain configuration $X$ with energy $E(X)$ is
\rho(X)=\frac{1}{Z_{T}} \exp \left[-\frac{E(X)}{k_{B} T}\right],
with the corresponding canonical partition function
Z_{T}=\sum_{X} \exp \left[-\frac{E(X)}{k_{B} T}\right] .
According to eq. (3.10), the ensemble average of a quantity $Q$ in the canonical ensemble is
\langle Q\rangle=\frac{1}{Z_{T}} \sum_{X} Q(X) e^{-\frac{E Q X^{2}}{k_{B}}} .

parameter to go from a disordered phase (“high temperature”) to an ordered phase (“low temperature”). The transition occurs at a temperature $T_{c}$. Based on a more historical classification of Paul Ehrenfest, we say that a phase transition is of $n$th order if $[108]$
\left.\left(\frac{\partial^{m} F}{\partial T^{m}}\right){V}\right|{T=T_{c^{+}}}=\left.\left(\frac{\partial^{m} F}{\partial T^{m}}\right){V}\right|{T=T_{c^{-}}}
\left.\left(\frac{\partial^{m} F}{\partial V^{m}}\right)\right|{T=T{c^{+}}}=\left.\left(\frac{\partial^{m} F}{\partial V^{m}}\right)\right|{T=T{c^{-}}},
for $m \leq n-1$, and otherwise
\left.\left(\frac{\partial^{n} F}{\partial T^{n}}\right){V}\right|{T=T_{c^{+}}} \neq\left.\left(\frac{\partial^{n} F}{\partial T^{n}}\right){V}\right|{T=T_{c^{-}}}
\left.\left(\frac{\partial^{n} F}{\partial V^{n}}\right)\right|{T=T{c^{+}}} \neq\left.\left(\frac{\partial^{n} F}{\partial V^{n}}\right)\right|{T=T{c^{-}}} .
We defined a phase transition of $n$th order based on the Helmholtz free energy $F$ (constant volume and temperature ensemble) because we will also use this potential in our discussion of magnetic systems in Section 3.2. For systems at constant pressure and temperature, it may be useful to use the Gibbs free energy $G$ for which Eqs. (3.16)(3.19) can be used as well to define a phase transition of $n$th order. We again note that the Ehrenfest classification is a more historical one. The majority of phase transitions are of first and second order and modern classifications mainly distinguish between these two cases. Second-order phase transitions with $n>1$ are also called critical points.

For other systems whose interactions are not defined by a Hamiltonian, it is possible to classify phase transitions according to the behavior of the order parameter [109]. If the order parameter goes continuously to zero at $T_{c}$, the phase transition is of second (or higher) order. For discontinuous changes of the order parameter, the phase transition is said to be of first order.

物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|Ising Model

Because of its historical relevance for the study of phase transitions in statistical physics and its broad applicability in many other fields, we now apply the outlined terminology from Section $3.1$ to the Ising model. Wilhelm Lenz proposed this model to his doctoral student Ernst Ising (see Figure 3.5) to describe systems that are composed of magnetic dipole moments. Each dipole moment can be in one of two states $(+1$ or $-1)$. The original goal was to model phase transitions in magnetic materials. As part of his doctoral thesis in 1924, Ernst Ising showed that the one-dimensional model exhibits no phase transition. For that reason, it was expected that this model was of no particular use. Then in 1944, Lars Onsager (see Figure 15.4) derived the partition function of the two-dimensional Ising model without magnetic field, finding a critical point at a finite temperature $T_{c}$ [111] and later in 1949 published an equation to describe the temperature dependence of the magnetization. Onsager provided no proof for his formula, but it is known that he derived it using Toeplitz determinants [112]. A few years passed until a proof was established by Yang in 1952 [113]. Since then, the Ising model has been successfully applied to a large number of physical and nonphysical problems such as magnetic systems, binary mixtures, and models of opinion formation. Also when compared with experimental data, the Ising model has been found to generally agree very well with observations made for certain magnetic materials [114]. To date, no general analytical solution for the Ising model in three dimensions is known. This is the reason why this mathematical model has been studied so intensively from a numerical perspective [115-119], using tools from statistical physics-some of which we describe in this section.

We start our discussion of the properties of the Ising model by considering a twodimensional lattice with sites being in binary states $\sigma_{i} \in{1,-1}$ that only interact with their nearest neighbors (see Figure 3.6). This restriction can be relaxed by letting the sites also interact with the next-nearest neighbors and other extended neighborhoods. The interaction of spins is described by the Hamiltonian
\mathcal{H}({\sigma})=-J \sum_{\langle i, j\rangle} \sigma_{i} \sigma_{j}-H \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sigma_{i},
where the first term denotes the interaction between all nearest neighbors (represented by a sum over $\langle i, j\rangle)$, and the second term accounts for the interaction of each site with an external magnetic field $H$, favoring the $\sigma_{i}=+1$ state if $H>0$. In the ferromagnetic case $(J>0)$, the energy is lowered by an amount of $-J$ if two spins are parallel, whereas the energy is increased by an amount of $+J$ if two spins are antiparallel. For $H=0$, there exist two ground states at $T=0$, namely, all spins up or all spins down. If $J<0$, the system is called antiferromagnetic, because antiparallel spins lead to an energy minimization. No interaction occurs for $J=0$. In the case of a ferromagnetic Ising system, the first term in eq. (3.20) tries to create order by minimizing the overall energy as a consequence of aligning spins in the same direction. The second term tends to align the spins in the direction of the external field $H$. While the energy is lower in an ordered state, thermal fluctuations tend to destroy the order by flipping single spins.

物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|FY828 Canonical Ensemble


物理代写|统计物理代写 Statistical Physics of Matter代 考|Canonical Ensemble

微正则系综很难通过实验实现, 因为与环境的每一次能量交换都必须被抑制。处理具有 固定温度的系统更为常见 $T$ 比如室温下的实验。相应的集成称为规范集成(见图 3.4)。
在给定温度下 $T$, 系统处于特昰配置的概率 $X$ 充满活力 $E(X)$ 是
\rho(X)=\frac{1}{Z_{T}} \exp \left[-\frac{E(X)}{k_{B} T}\right]
Z_{T}=\sum_{X} \exp \left[-\frac{E(X)}{k_{B} T}\right]
根据等式。(3.10), 一个数量的整体平均 $Q$ 在规范合奏中是
\langle Q\rangle=\frac{1}{Z_{T}} \sum_{X} Q(X) e^{-\frac{E Q X^{2}}{k_{B}}} .
从无序相 (“高温”) 到有序相 (“低温”) 的参数。转变发生在某个温度 $T_{c}$. 根据 Paul Ehrenfest 的更历史分类, 我们说相变是 $n$ 如果 $[108]$
\left(\frac{\partial^{m} F}{\partial T^{m}}\right) V\left|T=T_{c^{+}}=\left(\frac{\partial^{m} F}{\partial T^{m}}\right) V\right| T=T_{c^{-}}

\left(\frac{\partial^{m} F}{\partial V^{m}}\right)\left|T=T c^{+}=\left(\frac{\partial^{m} F}{\partial V^{m}}\right)\right| T=T c^{-},
为了 $m \leq n-1$, 否则
\left(\frac{\partial^{n} F}{\partial T^{n}}\right) V\left|T=T_{c^{+}} \neq\left(\frac{\partial^{n} F}{\partial T^{n}}\right) V\right| T=T_{c^{-}}

\left(\frac{\partial^{n} F}{\partial V^{n}}\right)\left|T=T c^{+} \neq\left(\frac{\partial^{n} F}{\partial V^{n}}\right)\right| T=T c^{-} .
我们定义了一个相变 $n$ 基于亥姆霍兹自由能的三阶 $F$ (恒定体积和温度系综), 因为我 们还将在 $3.2$ 节讨论磁系统时使用这种势。对于处于恒定压力和温度的系统, 使用吉布 斯自由能可能很有用 $G$ 对于哪个方程。(3.16)(3.19) 也可以用来定义相变 $n$ 订单。我们再 次注意到 Ehrenfest 分类是一个更具历史意义的分类。大多数相变是一阶和二阶的, 现 代分类主要区分这两种情况。二阶相变与 $n>1$ 称为临界点。
对于其他相互作用末由哈密顿量定义的系统, 可以根据阶参数的行为对相变进行分类 [109]。如果 order 参数在 $T_{c}$, 相变是二阶(或更高阶)。对于阶参数的不连续变化, 相变称为一阶。

物理代写|统计物理代写 Statistical Physics of Matter代 考|Ising Model

由于它与统计物理学中相变研究的历史相关性及其在许多其他领域的广泛适用性, 我们 现在应用第 1 节中概述的术语3.1到伊辛模型。Wilhelm Lenz 向他的博士生 Ernst Ising(见图 3.5) 提出了这个模型来描述由磁偶极矩组成的系统。每个偶极矩可以处于 两种状态之一 $(+1$ 或者 -1). 最初的目标是模拟硑性材料的相变。作为 1924 年博士论文 的一部分, 恩斯特伊辛 (Ernst Ising) 表明, 一维模型没有表现出相变。因此, 预计该 模型没有特别的用途。然后在 1944 年, Lars Onsager(见图 15.4)导出了没有硑场 的二维伊辛模型的配分函数, 在有限温度下找到了一个临界点 $T_{c}[111]$ 后来在 1949 年 发表了一个方程来描述磁化的温度依赖性。Onsager 没有为他的公式提供任何证据, 但 众所周知, 他是使用 Toeplitz 行列式推导出来的 [112]。几年过去了, 直到杨在 1952 年建立了一个证明 [113]。从那时起, 伊辛模型成功地应用于大量物理和非物理问题, 例 如磁糸统、二元混合和意见形成模型。此外, 与实验数据相比, 伊辛模型通常与对某些 磁性材料的观察结果非常吻合[114]。迄今为止, 尚无关于 Ising 模型在三个维度上的一 般解析解。这就是为什么从数值的角度对这个数学模型进行如此深入研究的原因 [115119],
我们通过考虑位点处于二元状态的二维晶格来开始讨论 Ising 模型的性质 $\sigma_{i} \in 1,-1$ 只 与最近的邻居交互 (见图 3.6)。可以通过让站点还与最近的邻居和其他扩展社区进行 交互来放宽这种限制。自旋的相互作用由哈密顿量描述
\mathcal{H}(\sigma)=-J \sum_{\langle i, j\rangle} \sigma_{i} \sigma_{j}-H \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sigma_{i},
其中第一项表示所有最近邻居之间的交互 (用总和表示 $\langle i, j\rangle$ ), 第二项说明每个站点与 外部磁场的相互作用 $H$, 有利于 $\sigma_{i}=+1$ 陈述如果 $H>0$. 在铁磁情况下 $(J>0)$, 能 量降低了 $-J$ 㛎果两个自旋是平行的, 而能量增加了 $+J$ 㛎果两个自旋是反平行的。为了 $H=0$, 存在两个基态 $T=0$, 即全部向上旋转或全部向下旋转。如果 $J<0$, 该系统 被称为反铁磁, 因为反平行自旋导致能量最小化。没有交互发生 $J=0$. 在铁磁伊辛系 统的情况下, 等式中的第一项。(3.20) 试图通过最小化整体能量来创建秩序, 这是将 自旋对齐在同一方向的结果。第二项倾向于使自旋沿外场方向排列 $H$. 虽然有序状态下 的能量较低, 但热波动往往会通过翻转单个自旋来破坏有序。

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