会计代写|财报分析代写Financial Statement Analysis代考|FIN4461 Applicability of Accounting Standards to Charitable or Religious Organisations

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财报分析Financial Statement Analysis GSBS6506是审查和分析公司财务报表的过程,以做出更好的经济决策,在未来获得收入。这些报表包括利润表、资产负债表、现金流量表、账目说明和权益变动表(如果适用)。财务报表分析是一种方法或过程,涉及评估一个组织的风险、业绩、财务健康和未来前景的特定技术。它被各种利益相关者所使用,如信贷和股权投资者、政府、公众和组织内部的决策者。这些利益相关者有不同的利益,并运用各种不同的技术来满足他们的需求。例如,股权投资者对组织的长期收益能力感兴趣,也许对股息支付的可持续性和增长感兴趣。债权人希望确保组织的债务证券(如债券)的利息和本金在到期时得到支付。

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会计代写|财报分析代写Financial Statement Analysis代考|FIN4461 Applicability of Accounting Standards to Charitable or Religious Organisations

会计代写|财报分析代写Financial Statement Analysis代考|Applicability of Accounting Standards to Charitable or Religious Organisations

The Accounting Standards Board (ASB) of ICAI has observed as regards the applicability of AS in respect of charitable or religious organisations, in the following manner.

The Preface to the Statements of Accounting Standards states. ‘The Institute (of Chartered Accountants) will issue Accounting Standards (AS) for use in the presentation of the general purpose financial statements issued to the public by such commercial, industrial or business enterprises as may be specified by the Institute from time to time and subject to the attest function of its members’

The reference to commercial, industrial or business enterprises in the aforesaid paragraph is in the context of the nature of activities carried on by an enterprise rather than with reference to its objects. It is quite possible that an enterprise has charitable objects but it carries on, either wholly or in part, activities of a commercial, industrial or business nature in furtherance of its objects. The ASB believes that $\mathrm{AS}$ apply in respect of commercial, industrial or business activities of any enterprise, irrespective of whether it is profit-oriented or is established for charitable or religious purposes. AS will not, however, apply to those activities which are not of a commercial, industrial or business nature (e.g., an activity of collecting donations and giving them to flood affected people). It is also clarified that exclusion of an entity from the applicability of an AS would be permissible only if no part of the activity of such entity was commercial, industrial or business in nature. It has been clarified that even if a very small proportion of the activities of an entity. was considered to be commercial, industrial or business in nature, then it could not claim exemption from the application of AS. The AS would apply to all its activities including those which were not commercial, industrial or business in nature. (Ref. the Chartered Accountant, Sept. 1995)

会计代写|财报分析代写Financial Statement Analysis代考|INCOME TAX ACT AND ACCOUNTING STANDARDS

Section 145 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (which was inserted by passing the Finance Act of 1995) provides :
(1) Income chargeable under the head profits and gains of business or profession or income from other sources shall subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) be computed in accordance with either cash or mercantile system of accounting regularly employed by the assessee.
(2) The Central Government may notify in the official gazette from time to time accounting standards to be followed by any class of assessees or in respect of any class of income.

(3) Where the assessing officer is not satisfied about the correctness or completeness of the accounts of the assessee, or where the method of accounting provided in sub-section (1) or accounting standards as notified under sub-section (2) have not been regularly followed by the assessee, the assessing officer may make an assessment in the manner provided in Section $144 .$

The reason for the Central Government assuming power for issuing accounting standards has emerged from two reasons :
(a) That many assessees had been following hybrid system of accounting which is an admixture of cash system and mercantile system in such a manner that it does not reflect the correct income. And, hence, by amending (by virtue of Finance Act in 1995) of the Income Tax Act, Section 145 stipulates that profits and gains of business or profession or income from other sources shall be computed in accordance with either the cash or the mercantile method of accounting regularly followed by an assessee.
(b) That the accounting standards prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) provide enough scope for flexibility and alternatives to accounting practices, which enable an assessee to avoid payment of correct taxes by following a particular method of accounting.
Thus in 1995 the Central Government assumed the responsibility of issuing the accounting standards on its own.

会计代写|财报分析代写Financial Statement Analysis代考|FIN4461 Applicability of Accounting Standards to Charitable or Religious Organisations


会计代写|财报分析代写Financial Statement Analysis代考|Applicability of Accounting Standards to Charitable or Religious Organisations

ICAI 的会计准则委员会 (ASB) 以下列方式观察了 AS 对慈善或宗教组织的适用性。


前款所称商业、工业或商业企业,是指企业所从事活动的性质,而不是其目的。一个企业很可能有慈善目的,但它全部或部分地进行商业、工业或商业性质的活动以促进其目的。ASB 认为一个小号适用于任何企业的商业、工业或商业活动,无论该企业是否以营利为目的,或是否为慈善或宗教目的而设立。但是,AS 不适用于非商业、工业或商业性质的活动(例如,收集捐款并将其捐赠给受洪水影响的人的活动)。还澄清说,只有当该实体的活动的任何部分都不属于商业、工业或商业性质的情况下,才允许将实体排除在 AS 的适用范围之外。已经澄清的是,即使一个实体的活动比例很小。被认为是商业、工业或商业性质的,则不能要求豁免适用 AS。AS 将适用于其所有活动,包括非商业、工业或商业性质的活动。(参考特许会计师,1995 年 9 月)

会计代写|财报分析代写Financial Statement Analysis代考|INCOME TAX ACT AND ACCOUNTING STANDARDS

1961 年所得税法(通过 1995 年财政法插入)第 145 条规定:
(1) 应在企业或专业的人头利润和收益或其他来源的收入项下征收的收入,应遵守子条款的规定。 – 第 (2) 节根据受评估人经常采用的现金或商业会计系统计算。
(2) 中央政府可不时在官方公报中公布任何类别的被评估人或任何类别的收入应遵循的会计准则。

(3) 评估人员对被评估人账目的正确性或完整性不满意,或第 (1) 款规定的会计方法或第 (2) 款规定的会计准则不符合被评估者定期跟踪,评估官可以按照第144.

(a) 许多被评估者一直遵循混合会计制度,即现金制度和商业制度的混合体,其方式没有反映正确的收入。因此,通过修改(根据 1995 年的财政法)所得税法,第 145 条规定商业或专业的利润和收益或其他来源的收入应按照现金或商业方法计算会计定期由评估员跟踪。
(b) 印度特许会计师协会 (ICAI) 规定的会计准则为会计实践提供了足够的灵活性和替代方案,使被评估人能够通过遵循特定的会计方法避免支付正确的税款。

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