金融代写|随机偏微分方程代写Stochastic Differential Equation代考|Math236 WEAK CONVERGENCE

如果你也在 怎样代写随机偏微分方程Stochastic Differential Equation Math236这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。随机偏微分方程Stochastic Differential Equation是一个微分方程,其中一个或多个项是一个随机过程,导致其解决方案也是一个随机过程。SDE被用来模拟各种现象,如股票价格或受热波动影响的物理系统。通常情况下,SDE包含一个变量,代表随机白噪声,以布朗运动或维纳过程的导数计算。然而,其他类型的随机行为也是可能的,如跳跃过程。随机微分方程与随机微分方程共轭

随机偏微分方程Stochastic Differential Equation Math236起源于布朗运动理论,在阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦和斯莫鲁奇斯基的工作中。这些早期的例子是线性随机微分方程,也被称为 “朗温 “方程,以法国物理学家朗温的名字命名,描述了受随机力影响的谐波震荡器的运动。随机微分方程的数学理论在20世纪40年代通过日本数学家伊藤清司的开创性工作得到发展,他提出了随机积分的概念,并启动了非线性随机微分方程的研究。后来,俄罗斯物理学家斯特拉诺维奇提出了另一种方法,导致了类似于普通微积分的微积分。


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金融代写|随机偏微分方程代写Stochastic Differential Equation代考|Math236 WEAK CONVERGENCE

金融代写|随机偏微分方程代写Stochastic Differential Equation代考|WEAK CONVERGENCE

Suppose $E$ is a metric space with metric $\rho$. Let $E$ be the class of Borel
sets on $E$, and let $\left(P_{n}\right)$ be a sequence of probability measures on $E$. What do we really mean by ${ }^{\prime} \mathrm{n}{\mathrm{n}} \rightarrow \mathrm{P}{0}{ }^{\prime}$ ? This is a non-mathematical question, of course. It is asking us to make an intuitive idea precise. Since our intuition will depend on the context, it has no unique answer. Still, we might begin with a reasonable first approximation, see how it might be improved, and hope that our intuition agrees with our mathematics at the end.
Suppose we say:
” P_{n} \rightarrow P_{0} \text { if } P_{n}(A) \rightarrow P_{0}(A), \text { all } A \varepsilon E \cdot “
This looks promising, but it is too strong. Some sequences which should converge, don’t. For instance, consider
PROBLEM 1. Let $P_{n}=\delta_{1 / n}$, the unit mass at $1 / n$, and let $P_{0}=\delta_{0}$ Certainly $P_{n}$ ought to converge to $P_{0}$, but it doesn’t. Indeed $0=\lim P_{n}{0} \neq P_{0}{0}=1$. Similar things happen with sets like $(-\infty, 0]$ and $(0,1)$.

CURE. The trouble occurs at the boundary of the sets, so let us smooth them out. Identify a set $A$ with its indicator function $I_{A}$. Then $P(A)=\int I_{A} d P$. We “smooth out the boundary of $A^{\prime \prime}$ by replacing $I_{A}$ by a continuous function $f$ which approximates it, and ask that $\int f \mathrm{fP}_{\mathrm{n}} \rightarrow \int f d P$. We may as well require this for all $f$, not just those which approximate indicator functions.
This leads us to the following. Let $C(E)$ be the set of bounded real valued continuous functions on E.

金融代写|随机偏微分方程代写Stochastic Differential Equation代考|ALDOUS’ THEOREM

Let $E$ be a complete separable metric space and let $\underline{D}=\underline{D}([0,1], \mathrm{E})$. Let $\rho$ be a bounded metric on $E$. Let $(F)^{\prime}$ be the canonical filtration on $D$, i.e. $\underset{\mathrm{F}}{=} \approx \sigma{\omega(s), \quad s \leq t, \omega \varepsilon \underline{D}}$. Let $\stackrel{T}{=}$ be the class of finite-valued stopping times T such that $T \leq 1$.

If $\mathrm{x}$ is a process defined canonically on $\mathrm{D}$, let
$\begin{aligned} \mu(\delta, x)=& \sup {T \varepsilon} E\left{\rho\left(x{T+\delta}, x_{T}\right)\right} \ v(\delta, x)=& \sup _{T<\delta} \mu(\alpha, x) . \end{aligned}$
Results such as Prohorov’s Theorem can be extended to some non-metrizable
spaces. Here is one such extension due to Le Cam.

金融代写|随机偏微分方程代写Stochastic Differential Equation代考|Math236 WEAK CONVERGENCE


金融代写|随机偏微分方程代写 Stochastic Differential Equation代 考|WEAK CONVERGENCE

认认为 $E$ 是一个有度量的度荲空间 $\rho$. 让 $\$$ EbetheclassofBorelsetson和, andlet $\backslash$ 左 ( $\mathrm{P}{-}{\mathrm{n}} \backslash$ 右) beasequenceofprobabilitymeasureson 和. Whatdowereallymeanby{ $}^{\wedge}{\backslash$ prime $}$ $\backslash$ mathrm ${\mathrm{n}}{\backslash$ mathrm ${\mathrm{n}}} \backslash$ rightarrow $\backslash$ mathrm{P} ${0}{}^{\wedge}{\backslash$ prime $}$ ?Thisisanon – mathematicalquestion, ofcourse. Itisaskingustomakeanintuitiveideapreci. $\$$ “P__n $\mathrm{P}{-} \backslash$ rightarrow $\mathrm{P}{-}{0} \backslash$ text ${$ if $} \mathrm{P}{-}{\mathrm{n}}(\mathrm{A}) \backslash$ rightarrow $\mathrm{P}{-}{0}(\mathrm{A}), \backslash$ text ${$ all $} \mathrm{A} \backslash$ varepsilon $E$ $\backslash$ cdot” $\$ \$$ 这看玘来很有希望, 但是太强了。一些应该收潋的序列, 不要。例如, 考虑 问题 1。让 $P{n}=\delta_{1 / n}$, 单位质量在 $1 / n$, 然后让 $P_{0}=\delta_{0}$ 当然 $P_{n}$ 应该收敛到 $P_{0}$, 但事实并非如此。的 确 $0=\lim P_{n} 0 \neq P_{0} 0=1$. 类似的事情发生在像这样的集合上 $(-\infty, 0]$ 和 $(0,1)$.
治煎。麻烦出现在集合的边界, 所以让我们把它们弄平。确定一个集合 $A$ 具有指示功能 $I_{A}$. 然后 $P(A)=\int I_{A} d P$. 我们“抺平了边界 $A^{\prime \prime}$ 通过更换 $I_{A}$ 通过连续函数 $f$ 它近似于它, 并问 $\int f \mathrm{P}{\mathrm{n}} \rightarrow \int f d P$. 我们不妨要求所有人这样做 $f$, 而不仅仅是那些近似指标函数的。 这将我们引向以下内容。让 $C(E)$ 是 $\mathrm{E}$ 上的有界实值连续函数集。

金融代写|随机偏微分方程代写 Stochastic Differential Equation代 考|ALDOUS’ THEOREM

$\backslash$ rhobeaboundedmetricon 和. $\operatorname{Let}(\mathrm{E})^{\wedge}{\backslash$ 素数 $}$ bethecanonical filtrationon $\underline{D}, i . e$. \underset ${\backslash$ mathrm ${\mathrm{F}}}=} \backslash$ \approx $\backslash$ sigma{\omega(s), \quad $\mathrm{s} \backslash$ leq $\mathrm{t}$, \omega \varepsilon $\backslash 1$ 美元。 如果 $\mathrm{x}$ 是一个规范定义的过程 $\mathrm{D}$, 让 $\backslash$ begin ${$ 对齐 $} \backslash \mathrm{mu}(\backslash$ delta, $\mathrm{x})=\& \backslash$ sup ${T \backslash$ varepsilon $} \mathrm{E} \backslash$ left $\left{\backslash\right.$ rho $\backslash$ left $\left(\mathrm{x}(\mathrm{T}+\backslash\right.$ delta $}, \mathrm{x}{-}{T} \backslash$ right) $\backslash$ right $} \backslash \vee(\backslash$ delta,
Prohorov 昰理等结果可以扩展到一些不可度哩的
空间。由于 Le Cam, 这是一个这样的扩展。

金融代写|随机偏微分方程代写Stochastic Differential Equation代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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