数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|MA5114 B-A Bimodules with Connections

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黎曼几何Riemannian Geometry MM865起源于Bernhard Riemann在他的就职演讲 “Ueber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen”(”关于几何学所基于的假设”)中所表达的观点,它是对R3中曲面微分几何的非常广泛和抽象的概括。黎曼几何学的发展导致了有关曲面几何学的各种结果的综合,以及在其上的测地线的行为,其技术可应用于研究更高维的可微流形。它使爱因斯坦的广义相对论得以提出,对群论和表示论以及分析产生了深刻的影响,并刺激了代数和微分拓扑学的发展。

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数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|MA5114 B-A Bimodules with Connections

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|B-A Bimodules with Connections

Let $A, B$ be algebras. We let ${ }{B} \mathcal{M}{A}$ denote the category of $B-A$ bimodules. So objects are just vector spaces on which $B$ acts from the left, $A$ from the right and the two actions commute, generalising our previous category ${ }{A} \mathcal{M}{A}$ of $A$-bimodules. An example of an $M_{n}(\mathbb{C})-M_{m}(\mathbb{C})$ bimodule is the set of $n \times m$ complex matrices with the action being matrix multiplication on the appropriate side. A bimodule $\operatorname{map} \phi: M \rightarrow N$ for $M, N \in{ }{B} \mathcal{M}{A}$ is a linear map which is both a left $B$-module map and a right $A$-module map, i.e., $\phi($ b.m $)=b . \phi(m)$ and $\phi(m . a)=\phi(m) \cdot a$ for all $m \in M, a \in A$ and $b \in B$. We write ${ }{B} \operatorname{Hom}{A}(M, N)$ for the collection of such maps. These are the morphisms of ${ }{B} \mathcal{M}{A}$. Clearly, if you fix $M \in{ }{B} \mathcal{M}{A}$ then $M \otimes_{A}:{ }{A} \mathcal{M} \rightarrow{ }{B} \mathcal{M}$ and $\otimes_{B} M: \mathcal{M}{B} \rightarrow \mathcal{M}{A}$ are functors with the latter generalising the notion of pull back along an algebra $\operatorname{map} \varphi: A \rightarrow B$ (if we actually have $\varphi$ then $M \otimes_{B} B_{\varphi} \cong M_{\varphi}$ and has right action $m \otimes_{B} 1 . a .=m \otimes_{B} \varphi(a)=m . \varphi(a)$ the pull back right module). We next specify a category of $B-A$ bimodules with connection, generalising our previous ${ }{A} \mathcal{E}{A}$.
Definition 4.69 A left $B-A$ bimodule connection on $M \in{ }{B} \mathcal{M}{A}$ means
(1) $\nabla_{M}: M \rightarrow \Omega_{B}^{1} \otimes_{B} M$ a left connection on $M$ over $B$ as usual.
(2) $\sigma_{M}: M \otimes_{A} \Omega_{A}^{1} \rightarrow \Omega_{B}^{1} \otimes_{B} M$ a $B$ – $A$ bimodule map such that
\nabla_{M}(m . a)=\nabla_{M}(m) \cdot a+\sigma_{M}(m \otimes \mathrm{d} a)
for all $m \in M, a \in A$.
The category ${ }{B} \mathcal{E}{A}$ has such objects $\left(M, \nabla_{M}, \sigma_{M}\right)$ and morphisms $\left(M, \nabla_{M}, \sigma_{M}\right) \rightarrow$ $\left(N, \nabla_{N}, \sigma_{N}\right)$ defined as bimodule maps $\phi: M \rightarrow N$ satisfying $\nabla_{N} \circ \phi=($ id $\otimes \phi) \circ$ $\nabla_{M}$. This implies that $\sigma_{N} \circ(\phi \otimes$ id $)=($ id $\otimes \phi) \circ \sigma_{M}$.

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|Hilbert C∗-Bimodules and Positive Maps

In the $$-algebra setting it is natural to add more structure to a $B-A$ bimodule so as to be able to complete it. This leads to the notion of a Hilbert $C^{}$-bimodule and Theorem $4.81$ will relate these to completely positive maps between $C^{}$-algebras. We start with the one-sided case of Hilbert $C^{}$-modules where a module $E$ over a $C^{}$-algebra $A$ is equipped with a sesquilinear inner product generalising the notion of a Hilbert space with $\mathbb{C}$ replaced by $A$. We will work in standard conventions where $A$ acts on $E$ from the right and the left argument of the inner product is the conjugate one. Our exposition will use the notion of conjugate module $\bar{E}$ explained in Example 2.101, which we remind the reader has the same additive group as $E$ but a conjugate action of $\mathbb{C}$ and a left action of $A$ by $a \cdot \bar{e}=\overline{e . a^{}}$. We also recall that an element of a $C^{}$-algebra $A$ is said to be positive (one writes $a \geq 0$ ) if there is an element $b \in A$ such that $a=b^{} b$. This notion also makes sense for a $$ subalgebra of a $C^{}$-algebra where we say that $a \geq 0$ if it is positive when viewed in the $C^{}$-algebra. We restrict ourselves to unital algebras. More details about Hilbert $C^{}$-modules and bimodules can be found in the excellent text by Lance.

Definition 4.77 Let $A$ be unital dense $$-subalgebra of a $C^{}$-algebra with norm | . $|_{A}, E$ a right $A$-module and $\langle,\rangle: \bar{E} \otimes E \rightarrow$,$A an A$-bimodule map.
(1) $E$ is a right semi-inner product $A$-module if $\langle\bar{e}, e\rangle \geq 0$ for all $e \in E$;
(2) $E$ is a right inner product $A$-module if in addition $\langle\bar{e}, e\rangle=0$ implies $e=0$;
(3) $E$ is a right Hilbert A-module if in addition $A$ is a $C^{*}$-algebra and $E$ is complete with respect to the norm $|e|_{E}=\sqrt{|\langle\bar{e}, e\rangle|_{A}}$.

A Hilbert $\mathbb{C}$-module by this definition just means a complex Hilbert space. Any $C^{}$-algebra $A$ is a Hilbert $A$-module by defining $\langle\bar{a}, b\rangle=a^{} b$, and this extends to $n$ column vectors $\operatorname{Col}^{n}(A)$ with entries in $A$ by $\langlea, b\rangle=\sum_{i} a_{i}^{*} b_{i}$ for $a, b \in \operatorname{Col}^{n}(A)$.

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|MA5114 B-A Bimodules with Connections


数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|B-A Bimodules with Connections

让 $A, B$ 是代数。我们让 $B \mathcal{M} A$ 表示类别 $B-A$ 双模块。所以对象只是向量空间 $B$ 从左边行动, $A$ 从右边和 两个动作通勤, 榔括我们之前的类别 $A \mathcal{M} A$ 的 $A$-双模块。一个例子 $M_{n}(\mathbb{C})-M_{m}(\mathbb{C})$ 双模是 $n \times m$ 复 杂矩阵, 其作用是适当一侧的矩阵乘法。双模 $\operatorname{map} \phi: M \rightarrow N$ 为了 $M, N \in B \mathcal{M} A$ 是一个既是左图又 是左图的线性图 $B$ – 模块图和一个权利 $A$-模块映射, 即, $\phi(\mathrm{BM})=b . \phi(m)$ 和 $\phi(m . a)=\phi(m) \cdot a$ 对所 有人 $m \in M, a \in A$ 和 $b \in B$. 我们写 $B \operatorname{Hom} A(M, N)$ 用于收集此类地图。这些是态射 $B \mathcal{M A}$. 显然, 代数拉回的概念, $\operatorname{map} \varphi: A \rightarrow B$ (如果我们真的有 $\varphi$ 然后 $M \otimes_{B} B_{\varphi} \cong M_{\varphi}$ 并有正确的行动
$m \otimes_{B}$ 1. $a .=m \otimes_{B} \varphi(a)=m . \varphi(a)$ 右拉模块 $)$ 。我们接下来指定一个类别 $B-A$ 带连接的双模, 概 括我们以前的 $A \mathcal{E} A$.
定义 $4.69 \mathrm{~A}$ 左 $B-A$ 双模块连接 $M \in B \mathcal{M} A$ 意味着
(1) $\nabla_{M}: M \rightarrow \Omega_{B}^{1} \otimes_{B} M$ 左连接 $M$ 超过 $B$ 照常。
(2) $\sigma_{M}: M \otimes_{A} \Omega_{A}^{1} \rightarrow \Omega_{B}^{1} \otimes_{B} M$ 一个 $B-A$ 双模映射使得
\nabla_{M}(m . a)=\nabla_{M}(m) \cdot a+\sigma_{M}(m \otimes \mathrm{d} a)
对所有入 $m \in M, a \in A$.
类别 $B \mathcal{E} A$ 有这样的对象 $\left(M, \nabla_{M}, \sigma_{M}\right)$ 和态射 $\left(M, \nabla_{M}, \sigma_{M}\right) \rightarrow\left(N, \nabla_{N}, \sigma_{N}\right)$ 定义为双模图

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|Hilbert C $*$-Bimodules and Positive Maps


algebrasettingitisnaturaltoaddmorestructuretoa $\$ B-A \$$ bimodulesoastobeabletocomple
a的子代数 $C$-我们说的代数 $a \geq 0$ 如果在查看时是积极的 $C$-代数。我们将自己限制在单位代数上。关于希 尔伯特的更多细节 $C$-modules 和 bimodules 可以在 Lance 的优秀文章中找到。
定义 $4.77$ 让 $A$ 是 a 的单位稠密 $\$ \$$-subalgebra $C$-带范数的代数| ||$_{A}, E$ 权利 $A$-模块和 $\langle,\rangle: \bar{E} \otimes$,$E \rightarrow ,$ $\operatorname{Aan} A$-双模块地图。
(1) $E$ 是一个右半内积 $A$-模块如果 $\langle\bar{e}, e\rangle \geq 0$ 对所有人 $e \in E$;
(2) $E$ 是一个正确的内积 $A$-module 如果另外 $\langle\bar{e}, e\rangle=0$ 暗示 $e=0$;
(3) $E$ 是一个右 Hilbert A 模, 如果另外 $A$ 是一个 $C^{}$-代数和 $E$ 就范数而言是完备的 $|e|{E}=\sqrt{|\langle\bar{e}, e\rangle|{A}}$.
希尔伯特C这个定义中的 -module 仅仅意味着一个复杂的希尔伯特空间。任何 $C$-代数 $A$ 是希尔伯特 $A$ module 通过定义 $\langle\bar{a}, b\rangle=a b$, 这延伸到 $n$ 列向量 $\mathrm{Col}^{n}(A)$ 与条目 $A$ 通过 $\$ \backslash$ langle $\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{b}$
$\backslash$ rangle $=\backslash$ sum ${i} a_{-}{i}^{\wedge}\left{{ }^{}\right} b_{-}{i}$ for $a, b \backslash$ in $\backslash$ loperatorname ${C o l}^{\wedge}{n}(A) \$$ 。

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考

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