计算机代写|图形模型代考Graphical Models代写|COMP588 An Example

如果你也在 怎样代写图形模型Graphical Models COMP588这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。图形模型Graphical Models或概率图形模型(PGM)或结构化概率模型是一种概率模型,用图来表达随机变量之间的条件依赖结构。它们通常用于概率论、统计学–特别是贝叶斯统计学–和机器学习。

图形模型Graphical Models一般来说,使用基于图形的表示方法作为编码多维空间上的分布的基础,而图形则是特定分布中存在的一组独立性的紧凑或因子化表示。分布的图形表示法有两个分支是常用的,即贝叶斯网络和马尔科夫随机场。这两个系列都包含了因子化和独立性的属性,但它们在可以编码的独立性集合和它们所引起的分布的因子化方面有所不同。


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计算机代写|图形模型代考Graphical Models代写|COMP588 An Example

计算机代写|图形模型代考Graphical Models代写|An Example

We will use the traditional golf example to illustrate the basic approach. In this problem we have 5 variables: outlook, temperature, humidity, windy, play. Table $1.1$ shows some data for the golf example; all variables are discrete so they can take a value from a finite set of values, for instance Outlook could be sunny, overcast or rain. We will now illustrate how we can calculate the different probabilistic queries mentioned before for this example.

First, we will simplify the example using only two variables, Outlook and Temperature. From the data in Table $1.1$ we can obtain the joint probability of Outlook and Temperature as depicted in Table 1.2. Each entry in the table corresponds to the joint probability $P($ Outlook, Temperature $)$, for example, $P($ Outlook $=$ $S$, Temp. $=H)=0.143$.

Let us first obtain the marginal probabilities for the two variables. If we sum per row (marginalizing Temperature) then we obtain the marginal probabilities for Out-look, $P($ Outlook $)=[0.357,0.286,0.357]$; and if we sum per column we obtain the marginal probabilities for Temperature, $P($ Temperature $)=[0.286,0.428,0.286]$. From these distributions, we obtain that the most probable Temperature is $M$ and the most probable values for Outlook are $S$ and $R$.

Now we can calculate the conditional probabilities of Outlook given Temperature and vice-versa. For instance:
\text { P(Temp. } \mid \text { Outlook }=R)=P(\text { Temp. } \wedge \text { Outlook }=R) / P(\text { Outlook }=R)=[0,0.6,0.4]
P(\text { Outlook } \mid \text { Temp. }=L)=P(\text { Outlook } \wedge \text { Temp } .=L) / P(\text { Temp } .=L)=[0.25,0.25,0.5]
Given these distributions, the most probable Temperature given that the Outlook is Rain is Medium, and the most probable Outlook given that the Temperature is Low is Rain.

计算机代写|图形模型代考Graphical Models代写|Probabilistic Graphical Models

Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) provide a framework for managing uncertainty based on probability theory in a computationally efficient way. The basic idea is to consider only those independence relations that are valid for a certain problem, and include these in the probabilistic model to reduce complexity in terms of memory requirements and computational time. A natural way to represent the dependence and independence relations between a set of variables is using graphs, such that variables that are directly dependent are connected, and the independence relations are implicit in this dependency graph.

A Probabilistic Graphical Model is a compact representation of a joint probability distribution, from which we can obtain marginal and conditional probabilities. It has several advantages over a flat representation:

It is generally much more compact (space).

It is generally much more efficient (time).

It is easier to understand and communicate.

It is easier to learn from data or to construct based on expert knowledge.A probabilistic graphical model is specified by two aspects: (i) a graph, $G(V, E)$, that defines the structure of the model; and (ii) a set of local functions, $f\left(Y_{i}\right)$, that define the parameters, where $\mathbf{Y}{\mathrm{i}}$ is a subset of $\mathbf{X}$. The joint probability is obtained by the product of the local functions: $$ P\left(X{1}, X_{2}, \ldots, X_{N}\right)=K \prod_{i=1}^{M} f\left(Y_{i}\right)
Where $K$ is a normalization constant (it makes the probabilities sum to one).

计算机代写|图形模型代考Graphical Models代写|COMP588 An Example


计算机代写图形模型代考Graphical Models代写|An Example

我们将使用传统的高尔夫示例来说明基本方法。在这个问题中, 我们有 5 个变量:外观、温度、湿度、有 风、玩要。桌子 $1.1$ 显示高尔夫示例的一些数据; 所有变量都是离散的, 因此它们可以从一组有限的值中获 取一个值, 例如 Outlook 可能是晴天、阴天或下雨。我们现在将说明如何计算前面提到的本示例的不同概 率查询。
首先, 我们将仅使用 Outlook 和温度这两个变量来简化示例。从表中的数据1.1我们可以得到 Outlook 和 Temperature 的联合概率, 如表 $1.2$ 所示。表中每一项对应的联合概率 $P$ (展望, 温度), 例如, $P($ 外表 $=$ $S$, 温度。 $=H)=0.143$.
让我们首先获得两个变黑的边际概率。如果我们对每行求和 (边缘化温度), 那么我们将获得 Out-look 的 边缘概率, $P($ 外表 $)=[0.357,0.286,0.357]$; 如果我们对每列求和, 我们会得到温度的边际概率, $P($ 温 度 $)=[0.286,0.428,0.286]$. 从这些分布中, 我们得出最可能的温度是 $M$ Outlook 最可能的值是 $S$ 和 $R$.
现在我们可以在给定温度的情况下计算 Outlook 的条件概率, 反之亦然。例如:
\mathrm{P}(\text { Temp. } \mid \text { Outlook }=R)=P(\text { Temp. } \wedge \text { Outlook }=R) / P(\text { Outlook }=R)=[0,0.6,0.4]
$P($ Outlook | Temp. $=L)=P($ Outlook $\wedge$ Temp $.=L) / P(\operatorname{Temp} .=L)=[0.25,0.25,0.5]$
鉴于这些分布, 假设前景是雨的最可能的温度是中等, 而假设温度低的最可能的前景是雨。

计算机代写图形模型代考Graphical Models代写|Probabilistic Graphical Models

概率图形模型 (PGM) 提供了一个框架,用于以计算有效的方式基于概率论管理不确定性。基本思想是只考 虑那些对特定问题有效的独立关系, 并将它们包含在概率模型中, 以降低内存需求和计算时间方面的复杂 性。表示一组变䵣之间的依赖和独立关系的一种自然方式是使用图, 这样直接依赖的变量是相连的, 并且独 立关系隐含在这个依赖图中。
概率图形模型是联合摡率分布的坚凑表示, 我们可以从中获得边际概率和条件概率。与平面表示相比, 它有 几个1尤点:
它通常更紧凑 (空间)。
它通常更有效 (时间)。
从数据中学习或基于专家知识构建更㝘易。概率图模型由两个方面指定: (i) 图, $G(V, E)$, 它定义了模 型的结构; (ii)一组局赔㖤数, $f\left(Y_{i}\right)$, 定义参数, 其中 $\mathbf{Y}$ 是的一个子集 $\mathbf{X}$. 联合概率由局部函数的乘积得 到:
P\left(X 1, X_{2}, \ldots, X_{N}\right)=K \prod_{i=1}^{M} f\left(Y_{i}\right)
在哪里 $K$ 是一个归一化常数 (它使概率总和为 1)。

计算机代写|图形模型代考Graphical Models代写

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