统计代写|统计推断代考Statistical Inference代写|STAT434 Criticism

如果你也在 怎样代写统计推断Statistical Inference STAT434这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。统计推断Statistical Inference是利用数据分析来推断概率基础分布的属性的过程。推断性统计分析推断人口的属性,例如通过测试假设和得出估计值。假设观察到的数据集是从一个更大的群体中抽出的。

统计推断Statistical Inference(可以与描述性统计进行对比。描述性统计只关注观察到的数据的属性,它并不依赖于数据来自一个更大的群体的假设。在机器学习中,推理一词有时被用来代替 “通过评估一个已经训练好的模型来进行预测”;在这种情况下,推断模型的属性被称为训练或学习(而不是推理),而使用模型进行预测被称为推理(而不是预测);另见预测推理。


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统计代写|统计推断代考Statistical Inference代写|Criticism

The principal criticism of Bayesian statistics is naturally their subjectivity; there are also significant issues with the measurement or allocation of prior probabilities. Before taking up these, I want to mention a very interesting criticism by Michael Oakes (1986). The question appears to have arisen, for him, from the dilemma of the Bayesian who finds, after calculating a posterior distribution of belief, that it really isn’t believable. Oakes wonders why it is necessary, after all, for a Bayesian to go through the process of probability estimation before seeing any data, then combining this distribution with the likelihood of the data to achieve the posterior distribution of belief: Why not just wait till the data are observed and construct a subjective posterior distribution directly? The question is not without practical relevance. Tribe (1971) points out that use of Bayes’ Theorem in a criminal trial would force us to begin with an assessment of the probability that the accused was guilty. But concentrating on that assessment conflicts with the mental set we are legally obliged to maintain, which is the presumption of innocence. Deferring all judgment until the evidence was presented would be the only way of rendering justice. The strongest objection to Oakes’ hypothetical proposal appears to be merely that people are poor estimators of probability (see Chap. 10), but that objection applies just as well, of course, to the prior distribution. It looks to me as if Oakes’ simple question goes to the heart of Bayesian procedures, and I am not sure a good answer can be given.

统计代写|统计推断代考Statistical Inference代写|The Logical Allocation of Prior Probabilities

The allocation of prior probabilities in Bayesian inference could be taken as an interesting illustration of the relevance of theory to practice. As a theoretical justification of Bayesian probability, the behaviorist, betting-ratio approach has held predictably more appeal to writers of textbooks for American psychologists (e.g., Novick \& Jackson, 1974; Phillips, 1973) than has the rationalist theory of Jeffreys. At the point of application, however, the device of betting ratios is palpably silly and dispensable, and practicing Bayesians operate in the manner of Jeffreys $(1939 / 1961)$ or Jaynes (1976) instead. There are several specific issues of concern in Jeffreys’ theory, though, which thereby become relevant for most Bayesian work.

The starting points for Jeffreys are the principle of indifference and his simplicity postulate. The former is introduced as follows:At any stage of knowledge it is legitimate to ask about a given hypothesis that is accepted, “How do you know?” The answer will usually rest on some observational data. If we ask further, “What did you think of the hypothesis before you had these data?” we may be told of some less convincing data; but if we go far enough back we shall always reach a stage where the answer must be: “I thought the matter worth considering, but had no opinion about whether it was true.” What was the probability at this stage? We have the answer already [i.e., from his Axiom 1]. If there is no reason to believe one hypothesis rather than another, the probabilities are equal…. To take the prior probabilities different in the absence of observational reason for doing so would be an expression of sheer prejudice. The rule that we should then take them equal is not a statement of any belief about the actual composition of the world, nor is it an inference from previous experience; it is merely the formal way of expressing ignorance. (pp. 33-34)

统计代写|统计推断代考Statistical Inference代写|STAT434 Criticism


统计代写|统计推断代考Statistical Inference代写|Criticism

对贝叶斯统计的主要批评自然是它们的主观性。先验概率的测量或​​分配也存在重大问题。在讨论这些之前,我想提一下 Michael Oakes (1986) 的一个非常有趣的批评。对他来说,这个问题似乎源于贝叶斯的困境,贝叶斯在计算了信念的后验分布后发现它确实不可信。奥克斯想知道为什么贝叶斯算法在看到任何数据之前必须先经过概率估计过程,然后将此分布与数据的似然性结合起来以实现信念的后验分布:为什么不等到观察数据并直接构建主观后验分布?这个问题并非没有实际意义。Tribe (1971) 指出,在刑事审判中使用贝叶斯定理将迫使我们从评估被告有罪的可能性开始。但是,专注于这种评估与我们在法律上必须保持的心理状态相冲突,即无罪推定。将所有判断推迟到证据提出之前将是伸张正义的唯一途径。对 Oakes 假设性提议的最强烈反对似乎仅仅是人们对概率的估计不佳(见第 10 章),但这种反对当然也适用于先验分布。在我看来,Oakes 的简单问题似乎触及了贝叶斯程序的核心,我不确定能否给出一个好的答案。

统计代写|统计推断代考Statistical Inference代写|The Logical Allocation of Prior Probabilities

贝叶斯推理中先验概率的分配可以作为理论与实践相关性的有趣例证。作为贝叶斯概率的理论证明,行为主义的投注比率方法比杰弗里斯的理性主义理论更能吸引美国心理学家的教科书作者(例如,诺维克 & 杰克逊,1974 年;菲利普斯,1973 年)。然而,在应用时,投注比率的装置显然是愚蠢和可有可无的,并且练习贝叶斯以 Jeffreys 的方式运作(1939/1961)或 Jaynes (1976)。然而,杰弗里斯的理论中有几个具体问题值得关注,因此这些问题与大多数贝叶斯工作相关。

杰弗里斯的出发点是冷漠原则和他的简单假设。前者介绍如下:在知识的任何阶段,询问一个已被接受的给定假设是合理的,“你怎么知道?” 答案通常取决于一些观察数据。如果我们进一步问:“在获得这些数据之前,您对这个假设有何看法?” 我们可能会被告知一些不太令人信服的数据;但是,如果我们往前走得足够远,我们总会到达一个答案必须是这样的阶段:“我认为这件事值得考虑,但对它是否属实没有意见。” 这个阶段的概率是多少?我们已经有了答案[即,来自他的公理1]。如果没有理由相信一个假设而不是另一个假设,那么概率是相等的……。在没有观察原因的情况下采用不同的先验概率将是一种纯粹偏见的表现。我们应该把它们平等的规则不是对世界实际构成的任何信念的陈述,也不是从以前的经验中得出的推论;这只是表达无知的正式方式。(第 33-34 页)

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