经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|ECON4418 How are different interest rates related to each other?

如果你也在 怎样代写宏观经济学Macroeconomics ECON4418这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。宏观经济学Macroeconomics对国家或地区经济整体行为的研究。它关注的是对整个经济事件的理解,如商品和服务的生产总量、失业水平和价格的一般行为。宏观经济学关注的是经济体的表现–经济产出、通货膨胀、利率和外汇兑换率以及国际收支的变化。减贫、社会公平和可持续增长只有在健全的货币和财政政策下才能实现。

宏观经济学Macroeconomics(来自希腊语前缀makro-,意思是 “大 “+经济学)是经济学的一个分支,处理整个经济体的表现、结构、行为和决策。例如,使用利率、税收和政府支出来调节经济的增长和稳定。这包括区域、国家和全球经济。根据经济学家Emi Nakamura和Jón Steinsson在2018年的评估,经济 “关于不同宏观经济政策的后果的证据仍然非常不完善,并受到严重批评。宏观经济学家研究的主题包括GDP(国内生产总值)、失业(包括失业率)、国民收入、价格指数、产出、消费、通货膨胀、储蓄、投资、能源、国际贸易和国际金融。


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经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|ECON4418 How are different interest rates related to each other?

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|How are different interest rates related to each other?

We previously outlined that banks create money when they make loans based on the credit creation theory of money, and the primary factor that constrains the amount of money that banks can create is the interest rate that is set by the central bank. As we just discussed, in the United States the Fed targets the federal funds rate which is a very short-term interest rate. But what about all the other interest rates in the economy, such as the 3-month bond rate, the 10 year bond rate, and mortgage rates? While these rates are at different levels, they tend to follow the same pattern and move together (Figure 5.2):

The term structure of interest rates demonstrates how they are all linked. Suppose you are considering two Treasury bonds: a 2-year bond or two 1-year bonds, and you plan on saving for 2 years. Call the interest earned on the 2-year bond $\mathrm{R}{2}$ (Yr1), where the part in brackets states the time when Money, banking, and the real economy 55 the bond was issued. Interest is paid both at the end of year one and at the end of year two on this 2-year bond, giving you a total of $2 \mathrm{R}{2}(\mathrm{Yrl})$ worth of interest. Alternatively, you could buy a 1-year bond in year one that gives you interest of $\mathrm{R}{1}$ (Yr1) and then buy another 1-year bond in the second year, giving interest of $\mathrm{R}{1}(\mathrm{Yr} 2)$.

For equilibrium to occur, the total earned on 1-year bonds must be the same as the total amount earned on 2-year bonds. If not, you would just buy one type of bond and not the other. Thus, equilibrium occurs where:
&2 \mathrm{R}{2}(\mathrm{Yr} 1)=\mathrm{R}{1}(\mathrm{Yr} 1)+\mathrm{R}{1}(\mathrm{Yr} 2) \ &\mathrm{R}{2}(\mathrm{Yr} 1)=1 / 2\left[\mathrm{R}{1}(\mathrm{Yr} 1)+\mathrm{R}{1}(\mathrm{Yr} 2)\right]

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Interest on reserves

In recent years, the Federal Reserve has implemented another measure to help control benchmark rates. Legislation passed by Congress in 2006 authorized the Federal Reserve to begin paying interest to commercial banks on excess reserve balances. This was not a new idea. In fact, the idea has been around for decades. And, although the timing made it seem as if the interest on reserves notion was somehow related to the Quantitative Easing program rolled out in response to the recession, it actually was passed earlier with the intention of supplementing monetary policy by offering an additional way for the Federal Reserve to control the Federal funds rate.
By paying interest on reserves, the Fed is able to increase reserve balances without concern that it will push the Fed funds rate lower than targeted. Although the rate is minimal, by paying the banks some interest, the Fed is converting excess reserves into income producing assets for the banks. That tends to slow interbank lending activity, during circumstances when that is of concern, and it makes banks more amenable to maintaining excess reserve balances.
While the legislation was originally passed in 2006 and scheduled to be implemented in 2011, it was accelerated by the 2008 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. This move proved to be particularly important for monetary policy, as the need to flood the banks with reserves in response to the banking crisis saw excess reserves at historic highs and pushed the Federal funds rate to historic lows. The interest rate on excess reserves effectively establishes a lower bound on the Federal funds rate, helping the Fed finetune its target.

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|ECON4418 How are different interest rates related to each other?


经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|How are different interest rates related to each other?

利率的期限结构表明它们是如何联系在一起的。假设您正在考虑两种国债: 一种 2 年期债券或两种 1 年期债 和实体经济 55 债券发行的时间。该 2 年期债券的利息在第一年末和第二年末支付, 您总共可以获得 $2 \mathrm{R} 2(\mathrm{Yrl})$ 值得关注。或者, 您可以在第一年购买 1 年期债券, 利息为R1(Yr1) 然后在第二年再购买 1 年期 债券, 利息为R1(Yr2).
为了达到平衡, 1 年期债券的总收益必须与 2 年期债券的总收益相同。如果没有,您将只购买一种债券而不 是另一种。因此, 平衡发生在:
$2 \mathrm{R} 2(\mathrm{Yr} 1)=\mathrm{R} 1(\mathrm{Yr} 1)+\mathrm{R} 1(\mathrm{Yr} 2) \quad \mathrm{R} 2(\mathrm{Yr} 1)=1 / 2[\mathrm{R} 1(\mathrm{Yr} 1)+\mathrm{R} 1(\mathrm{Yr} 2)]$

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代㝍|Interest on reserves

近年来, 美联储实施了另一项措施来帮助控制基准利率。国会于 2006 年通过的立法授柇美联储开始向商业 银行支付超额准备金余额的利息。这不是一个新想法。事实上,这个想法已经存在了几十年。而且, 尽管时 间安排似平似平与为应对经济言退而推出的量化宽松计划有某种关联, 但实际上它更早通过的目的是通过为 货币政策提供额外的方式来补充货开政策。美联储控制联邦基金利率。 的情况下,这往往会减裣银行同业折借活动, 并使银行更愿意维持超额准备金余额。 实证明, 这一举措对货开政策尤为重要, 因为为应对银行业危机而向银行注入准备金的需要导致超额准备金 缟位, 并将联邦基金利率推至历史低位。超额准备金利率有效地确定了联邦基金利率的下限, 帮助 美联储微调其目标。


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