如果你也在 怎样代写无机化学Inorganic Chemistry CHEM30009这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。无机化学Inorganic Chemistry关注的是无机化合物的属性和行为,其中包括金属、矿物和有机金属化合物。
无机化学Inorganic Chemistry涉及到无机和有机金属化合物的合成和行为。这个领域涵盖了非碳基的化合物,这些化合物是有机化学的主题。这两门学科之间的区别远非绝对,因为有机金属化学的分支学科有很多重叠。它在化学工业的各个方面都有应用,包括催化、材料科学、颜料、表面活性剂、涂料、药物、燃料和农业。
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化学代写|无机化学代考Inorganic Chemistry代写|Nonclose-packed structures
Not all elemental metals have structure based on close-packing and some other packing patterns use space nearly as efficiently. Even metals that are close-packed may undergo a phase transition to a less closely packed structure when they are heated and their atoms undergo large-amplitude vibrations.
One commonly adopted arrangement has the translational symmetry of the bodycentred cubic lattice and is known as the body-centred cubic structure (cubic-I or bcc), in which a sphere is at the centre of a cube with spheres at each corner (Fig. 3.22a). Metals with this structure have a coordination number of 8 because the central atom in in contact with the atoms at the corners of the unit cell. Although a bcc structure is less closely packed than the ccp and hcp structures (for which the coordination number is 12), the difference is not very great because the central atom has six second-nearest neighbours, at the centres of the adjacent unit cells, only 15 per cent further away. This arrangement leaves 32 per cent of the space unfilled compared with 26 per cent in the close-packed structures (see Example 3.3). A bcc structure is adopted by 15 of the elements under standard conditions, including all the alkali metals and the metals in Groups 5 and 6 . Accordingly, this simple arrangement of atoms is sometimes referred to as the ‘tungsten type’.
The least common metallic structure is the primitive cubic (cubic-P) structure (Fig. 3.23), in which spheres are located at the lattice points of a primitive cubic lattice, taken as the corners of the cube. The coordination number of a cubic-P structure is 6 . One form of polonium $(\alpha-\mathrm{Po})$ is the only example of this structure among the elements under normal conditions, though bismuth also adopts this structure under pressure. Solid mercury $(\alpha-\mathrm{Hg})$, however, has a closely related structure: it is obtained from the cubic-P arrangement by stretching the cube along one of its body diagonals (Fig. 3.24a); a second form of solid mercury $(\beta-\mathrm{Hg})$ has a structure based on the bcc arrangement but compressed along one cell direction (Fig. 3.24b).
Metals that have structures more complex than those described so far can sometimes be regarded, like solid mercury, as having slightly distorted versions of simple structures. Zinc and cadmium, for instance, have almost hcp structures, but the planes of close-packed atoms are separated by a slightly greater distance than in perfect hcp.
化学代写|无机化学代考Inorganic Chemistry代写|Polymorphism of metals
The lack of directionality in the interactions between metal atoms accounts for the wide occurrence of polymorphism, the ability to adopt different crystal forms under different conditions of pressure and temperature. It is often, but not universally, found that the most closely packed phases are thermodynamically favoured at low temperatures and the less closely packed structures are favoured at high temperatures. Similarly, the application of high pressure leads to structures with higher packing densities, such as ccp and hcp.
The polymorphs of metals are generally labelled $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \ldots$ with increasing temperature. Some metals revert to a low-temperature form at higher temperatures. Iron, for example, shows several solid-solid phase transitions; $\alpha$-Fe, which is bcc, occurs up to $906^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ; \gamma$-Fe, which is ccp, occurs up to $1401^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$; and then $\alpha$-Fe occurs again up to the melting point at $1530^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. The hep polymorph, $\beta$-Fe, is formed at high pressures and was believed to be the form that exists at the Earth’s core, but recent studies indicate that a bcc polymorph is more likely (Box 3.1).

化学代写|无机化学代考Inorganic Chemistry代写|Nonclose-packed structures
并非所有元素金属都具有基于攽密堆积的结构, 并且一些其他堆积模式几平同样有效地利用空间。即使是紧
密堆积的金属, 当它们被加热并且它们的原子经历大幅度振动时,它们也可能经历相变到不紧密堆积的结
一种普遍采用的排列具有体心立方晶格的平移对称性,被称为体心立方结构 (cubic-I 或 bcc) ,其中一个 异不是很大, 因为中心原子在相邻晶胞的中心有六个第二近邻, 距离只有 $15 \%$ 。这种布置留下了 $32 \%$ 的空 间末填充,而密排结构则为 $26 \%$ (参见示例 3.3) 。15种元素在标准条件下采用bcc结构, 包括所有晠金属 和第 5 族和第 6 族金属。因此,这种简单的原子排列有时被称为“钨型”。
最不常见的金属结构是原始立方 (cubic-P) 结构 (图 3.23) ,其中球体位于原始立方晶格的晶格点, 作为立 的一个对角线拉伸立方体从立方体 $-\mathrm{P}$ 排列中获得的 (图 3.24a);固体永的第二种形式 $(\beta-\mathrm{Hg})$ 具有基于 bcc 排列的结构, 但沿一个单元方问压缩 (图 3.24b)。
结构比目前描述的更复杂的金属有时可以被视为具有简单结构的轻微扭曲版本,例如固体汞。例如, 锌和镉
化学代写|无机化学代考Inorganic Chemistry代写|Polymorphism of metals
金属原子之间相互作用缺乏方灾性是多晶型现象广泛发生的原因, 即在不同压力和温度条件下采用不同晶型
金属的多晶型物用常被标记 $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \ldots$ 随看温度的井高。一些金属在较高温度下㣺复为低温形式。例如, 铁显示出几种固-固相变。 $\alpha-\mathrm{Fe}$, 即 $\mathrm{bcc}$, 最多出现 $906^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ; \gamma-\mathrm{Fe}$, 即 $\mathrm{ccp}$, 最多出现 $1401^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$; 接着 $\alpha-\mathrm{Fe}$ 再次出现直至熔点 $1530^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. hep多晶型物, $\beta-\mathrm{Fe}$ 是在高压下形成的, 被认为是存在于地球核心的形式, 但 最近的研究表明, 更有可能是体心立方多晶型 (方框 3.1)。

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