英国论文代写|Birmingham University MSc Dissertation|Investigating skeletal muscle mitophagy during exercise in vivo


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英国论文代写|Birmingham University MSc Dissertation|Investigating skeletal muscle mitophagy during exercise in vivo

英国论文代写|Investigating skeletal muscle mitophagy during exercise in vivo

Exercise is often considered as a panacea and anti-ageing strategy but the way these positive changes occur in the body is not fully understood. A biological machine known as the mitochondria is a power-plant that produces energy in all our cells. Their efficiency and number are improved by exercise and they decrease efficiency from inactivity, causing poor ageing and diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Mitophagy (Mito=Mitochondria and Phagy=Eating, literally digestion of mitochondria) is the act of removal of mitochondria which serves to maintain a sustainable number of healthy mitochondria to meet energy needs. The mechanisms (or known as intracellular signals) that cause mitophagy to be regulated by exercise have not completely understood. I aim to look at how mitophagy is impacted by exercise and then understand what changes on the molecular level within cells that can cause the changes in mitophagy. With better understanding of these mechanisms we can 1) understood how exercise changes the mitochondria to improve health and longevity, 2) identify more effective exercise and nutritional strategies by exploiting this knowledge, and 3) develop potential drug targets through collaborations to promote healthy ageing and/or simulate beneficial effects of exercise.

This study will generate a comprehensive understanding of mitophagy activity in skeletal muscle in response to exercise and establish a strong foundation for investigating the molecular mechanisms of mitophagy in vivo. The data generated from this proposal will be a preliminary set used for future proposals, e.g. to investigate the role of mitophagy in muscle wasting conditions (By using the models of denervation, chronic inflammation, or treatment of glucocorticoid, such as dexamethasone and corticosterone) and cancer cachexia. Here we will develop a mathematical model to investigate the role of crucial proteins, PINK1 and AMPK, and associated signalling networks that drive skeletal muscle mitophagy. With the model we will test if other mechanisms independent of these networks, as suggested in (McWilliams et al., 2016), are important. These insights will open new avenues in maintaining mitochondrial”quality control” and prevent mitochondrial senescence, damage, and dysfunction.



这项研究将全面了解骨骼肌在运动时的有丝分裂活动,并为研究体内有丝分裂的分子机制打下坚实基础。本提案产生的数据将成为用于未来提案的初步数据集,例如,研究有丝分裂在肌肉萎缩条件下的作用(通过使用神经支配、慢性炎症或糖皮质激素的治疗,如地塞米松和皮质酮)和癌症恶性循环。在这里,我们将开发一个数学模型来研究关键蛋白、PINK1和AMPK的作用,以及驱动骨骼肌有丝分裂的相关信号网络。通过该模型,我们将测试独立于这些网络的其他机制是否重要,正如(McWilliams等人,2016)所建议的。这些见解将为维持线粒体 “质量控制 “和防止线粒体衰老、损害和功能障碍开辟新的途径。

英国论文代写|Birmingham University MSc Dissertation|Investigating skeletal muscle mitophagy during exercise in vivo


英国论文代写|Investigating skeletal muscle mitophagy during exercise in vivo选题导师介绍

Yu-Chiang is a Birmingham Fellow in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences and affiliated in the Mitochondrial Profiling Centre (MPC), MRC-ARUK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research and the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research (IMSR).   

Yu-Chiang’s group focuses on deciphering the signalling networks that regulate muscle metabolic functions. We seek to understand the molecular mechanisms that lead to muscle wasting and how exercise is able to improve muscle health when faced with various muscle wasting conditions.

To find out more about Yu-Chaing’s research group, please visit Lai Lab.

英国论文代写|Investigating skeletal muscle mitophagy during exercise in vivo选题参考文献


Publications since 2012:

Vieweg S, Mulholland K, Brauning B, Kachariya N, Lai YC, Toth R, Sattler M, Groll M, Itzen A, Muqit M. (2019) PINK1-dependent phosphorylation of Serine111 within the SF3 motif of Rab GRPases impairs effector interactions and LRRK2 mediated phosphorylation at Threonine72. BioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/764019.

Elhassan Y, Kluckova K, Fletcher R, Schmidt M, Garten A, Doig C, Cartwright D, Oakey L, Burley C, Jenkinson N, Wilson M, Lucas S, Akerman I, Seabright A, Lai YC, Tennant D, Nightinggale P, Wallis G, Manolopoulos K, Brenner C, Philp A, Lavery G. (2019) Nicotinamide riboside augment the aged human skeletal muscle NAD+ metabolome and induces transcriptiomic and anti-inflammatiory signatures. Cell Report 28 :1717-1728.

Fenton C, Webster J, Martin C, Fareed S, Wehmeyer C, Mackie H, Jones R, Seabright A, Lewis J, Lai YC, Goodyear C, Jones S, Cooper M, Lavery G, Langen R, Raza K, Hardy R. (2019) Theraputic glucocorticoids prevent bone loss but drive muscle wasting when administered in chronic polyarthritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 21 :182.

Osgerby L*, Lai YC*, Thornton P, Amalfitano J, Le Duff C, Kadri H, Miccoli A, Tucker J, Muqit M , Mehellou Y. (2017) Kinetin riboside and its ProTides activate Parkinson’s disease associated kinase PINK1 independent of mitochondrial depolarisation. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 60(8):3518-3524

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