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经济代写|产业经济学代写INDUSTRY ECONOMICS代考|Entry conditions
Monopolistic structures continue to be prevalent in the Chinese defence industrial sector. Bitzinger $(2017,65)$ points out that China’s many rounds of structural reforms have “failed to produce much in the way of competition,” and consequently there exists “a state monopoly situation in most technology fields” (Hartley, 2017, 99-100). The government has long attempted to remedy the associated negative consequences by introducing a limited amount of competition within sectors (e.g. by creating two large conglomerates per sector in 1999). However, where those have not yet been reintegrated (i.e. in shipbuilding, ordnance, and aerospace), there exists in practice a division of work between them, either regional (as in shipbuilding and ordnance) or in terms of their products. This means that most industry players remain de facto monopolists in their respective fields, and even the companies that are nominally competing within the same sector, such as the two aerospace groups CASC and CASIC, have “practically no overlaps” among their product portfolios. Even in those few areas where a potential for actual competition exists, arms programmes tend to be “spread out evenly among all the major defense firms” rather than having firms actually compete for a contract, as when the fighter jet $J-10$ is being built by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group, while the $J-11 B$ is produced by Shenyang Aircraft Corp. The only sectors where actual competition does seem to occur (albeit in an oligopolistic fashion) are helicopters, trainer jets, and occasionally naval shipbuilding (Bitzinger, 2017, 65).
According to Cheung $(2009,216)$, “PLA procurement regulations prohibit the acquisition of sensitive equipment from nongovernment companies.” Only if critically important equipment is unavailable elsewhere from domestic sources have private or semi-private companies such as Huawei or ZTE been allowed to circumvent such restrictions. ${ }^{4}$ Private companies typically have limited access to arms programmes directly, but are often involved in defence contracts as subcontractors of state-owned entities. In October 2008, The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology even issued “Guidelines on the participation of non-state-owned companies in the development of the defense industry” that stipulate that private companies should be “encouraged and enticed to participate in the development of the defense industry” and “encouraged to bid for defense contracts.” According to Barabanov, Kashin and Makienko $(2012,3)$, they will nonetheless most likely continue to play “second fiddle” to the giant state-owned corporations.
经济代写|产业经济学代写INDUSTRY ECONOMICS代考|National and global supply chains
The 1989 Western arms embargo against China has so far not been lifted, even though various countries interpret the restrictions differently and allow many types of dual-use exports despite potential military uses of some exported equipment. The US focus lies on restricting access to four especially sensitive areas: missile technology, nuclear technology, intelligence-gathering technology, and anti-submarine warfare technology (Zhang and Hyer, 2001, 104). Mastery of these fields would have massive implications for the PLA’s transformation into a world-class military capable of fighting and winning wars under “informationized” conditions. Consequently, technologies that contribute to these areas are the most sought after by Chinese companies (cf. Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, 2013, 205-07).
Apart from slowing down the pace of China’s military modernization during much of the 1990 s, the embargo had two noted effects: (1) a reorientation towards post-Soviet arms producers after 1991 ; and (2) the employment of various ingenious coping strategies. Methods for alleviating technical bottlenecks that are or were used by Chinese arms developers include the exploitation of academic contacts with Western countries; the “capturing” of technology through forced technology transfers in joint ventures; the reverse-engineering of Western and post-Soviet arms (including of wreckages and unexploded shells that were obtained via third countries or collected from war zones); and state-sponsored espionage, including cyber espionage (cf. Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, 2013; Joske, 2018; Parsons, 2011 ; Stumbaum, 2009, 11). Illegal activities were not limited to Western targets, and have led to friction with Russian arms industries on several occasions (e.g. when China was accused of reverse-engineering the Russian $S u-27$ fighter plane, the Kilo class submarine, or the Mineral-ME fire-control radar system: Cheung, 2011, 6-7; Johnson, 2015a).

经济代写|产业经济学代写INDUSTRY ECONOMICS代考|Entry conditions
垄断结构在中国国防工业领域继续盛行。比青格(2017,65)指出中国的多轮结构性改革“未能产生太多的竞争方式”,因此“大多数技术领域都存在国家垄断局面”(Hartley,2017,99-100)。长期以来,政府一直试图通过在行业内引入有限的竞争来弥补相关的负面后果(例如,通过在 1999 年每个行业创建两个大型企业集团)。然而,在那些尚未重新整合的地方(即在造船、军械和航空航天领域),实际上它们之间存在着工作分工,无论是区域性的(如在造船和军械方面)还是就其产品而言。这意味着大多数行业参与者仍然是各自领域事实上的垄断者,即使是名义上在同一行业内竞争的公司,例如两个航空航天集团 CASC 和 CASIC,它们的产品组合“几乎没有重叠”。即使在那些存在实际竞争潜力的少数领域,武器计划也倾向于“在所有主要国防公司之间平均分配”,而不是让公司真正竞争合同,就像战斗机一样Ĵ−10由成都飞机工业集团承建,而Ĵ−11乙由沉阳飞机公司生产。似乎确实发生实际竞争的唯一行业(尽管是以寡头垄断的方式)是直升机、教练机,偶尔还有海军造船(Bitzinger,2017,65)。
据张(2009,216),“解放军采购条例禁止从非政府公司采购敏感设备。” 只有在其他地方无法从国内获得关键设备时,才会允许华为或中兴等私营或半私营公司规避此类限制。4私营公司通常无法直接获得武器项目,但通常作为国有实体的分包商参与国防合同。2008年10月,工信部甚至发布了《关于非国有企业参与国防工业发展的指导意见》,规定“鼓励和引导民营企业参与国防工业发展”国防工业”和“鼓励投标国防合同”。根据 Barabanov、Kashin 和 Makienko 的说法(2012,3),他们仍然很可能继续扮演大型国有企业的“副手”。
经济代写|产业经济学代写INDUSTRY ECONOMICS代考|National and global supply chains
1989 年西方对中国的武器禁运迄今尚未解除,尽管各国对限制的解释不同,尽管某些出口设备可能用于军事用途,但仍允许多种类型的军民两用出口。美国的重点在于限制进入四个特别敏感的领域:导弹技术、核技术、情报收集技术和反潜战技术(Zhang and Hyer, 2001, 104)。掌握这些领域将对解放军转变为能够在“信息化”条件下打赢战争的世界级军队产生重大影响。因此,有助于这些领域的技术最受中国公司追捧(参见 Hannas、Mulvenon 和 Puglisi,2013,205-07)。
除了在 1990 年代的大部分时间里放慢了中国军事现代化的步伐外,禁运还有两个显着的影响:(1)1991 年后重新定位于后苏联武器生产国;(2) 运用各种巧妙的应对策略。中国武器开发商正在或曾经使用的缓解技术瓶颈的方法包括利用与西方国家的学术联系;通过合资企业的强制技术转让“获取”技术;西方和后苏联武器的逆向工程(包括通过第三国获得或从战区收集的残骸和未爆炸炮弹);和国家支持的间谍活动,包括网络间谍活动(参见 Hannas、Mulvenon 和 Puglisi,2013;Joske,2018;Parsons,2011;Stumbaum,2009,11)。小号在−27战斗机、Kilo 级潜艇或 Mineral-ME 火控雷达系统:Cheung,2011,6-7;约翰逊,2015a)。

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