统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|MTH412 Richard von Mises

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统计推断Statistical inference结论是一个统计命题。一些常见的统计命题形式如下。一个点估计,即一个最接近某些感兴趣的参数的特定值。区间估计,例如置信区间(或集合估计),即使用从人群中抽取的数据集构建的区间,以便在对这些数据集进行重复抽样时,这些区间将包含真正的参数值,其概率为所述置信度。可信区间,即包含诸如95%的后验信念的一组数值。拒绝一个假设。将数据点聚类或分类为一组。

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统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|MTH412 Richard von Mises

统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|Richard von Mises

I have already suggested that, by the beginning of the twentieth century, the way was prepared philosophically for a thoroughgoing frequency theory of probability. Heidelberger (1987) and Kamlah (1987) suggest that recent scientific developments also scaffolded the construction of a formal frequency theory. Maxwell had drawn the inspiration for his statistical thermodynamics from Quetelet; his theory, plus the concepts of Brownian motion, radioactive decay-even the belated rediscovery of Mendel’s work in genetics-all contributed to the idea that probability refers to random mass phenomena. ${ }^{2}$ In addition, Heidelberger believes that the crisis in mechanics attending the quantum theory supported a shift from an epistemic to an ontic conception of probability. Fechner had theoretically laid the groundwork for Mises with his metaphysical indeterminism, but the concept of probability at that time was still too closely tied to knowledge-as is clear in the theories of Venn and Peirce-for Fechner’s work to be assimilated to it.

Even as science and philosophy converged with respect to generating conditions for a frequency theory, the makings of a certain paradoxical tension also become visible. The principal thrust of positivism was the escape from metaphysics, yet the avoidance of the epistemic or psychological aspects of probability and the search for an ultimate grounding in empirical data inevitably had a metaphysical pull to it, as will become evident in the pages that follow.

As a major exponent of logical positivism, Richard von Mises advocated a strict frequency interpretation as a means of extirpating subjectivism and psychologism from probability theory root and branch. The specific goals and concerns of his theory were thus (a) to avoid reference to the principle of indifference in defining or assessing probabilities, (b) to specify the kind of series with reference to which probability is to be defined, (c) to show that such a definition has relevance for practical application, and (d) to consider the relation of this technical definition of probability to the everyday meaning, especially with reference to single-case probability.
The first of these objectives would presumably be achieved with the second. Mises defined probability by reference to an ideally constructed sequence, which he called a “collective,” defined in turn by the properties of randomness and convergence. The condition of randomness, as Mises formulated it, meant that a sequence, in order to qualify as a collective, must exclude all gambling systems. In other words, it must always be possible to defeat any prediction scheme by extending the series long enough. The condition of convergence specified that the relative frequency of a given element in the string (e.g., heads) must approach a single definite limit.

统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|Reichenbach

Hans Reichenbach, Theory of Probability (1935/1949), was motivated at least in part by the aim of repairing defects in Mises’ theory. He was especially concerned that his theory comprehend all instances of probability in a frequentist sense. Thus whereas Mises’ definition led him to exclude many ordinary usages of probability from his theory, Reichenbach claimed to his advantage that his theory “leads to a meaning of the term that makes the usage of language conform to human behavior” (1935/1949, p. viii). In introducing his theory, he wrote that “a final theory of probability that satisfies both mathematical and logical requirements can now be presented” (p. v). Despite the fact that his formulation of the frequency theory is the most extreme, it was also his intention, in contrast to Mises, to keep the epistemic reference central, with its concerns for inductive inference. His proposed range of applications for Bayes’ Theorem was “extremely wide” (p. 94), nearly as ambitious as Price’s: medical diagnoses, historical explanations, detective work, and so on. He also claimed to prove that all inductive inference is reducible to induction by enumeration.

Although Reichenbach’s work came too late to exert any formative influence on either Fisher or Neyman and Pearson in their theories of statistical inference (Chap. 7), it is still worth examining to two reasons: (a) Reichenbach’s theory comes closest to duplicating the everyday, unreflective meaning of probability (cf. Chap. 10), and (b) we might get a sense of how the Fisher and Neyman-Pearson theories could be improved.

The technical aspects of Reichenbach’s definition of probability are not markedly different from Mises’. The sequences taken as definientia for probability are ideally constructed series, which Reichenbach called “normal sequences”; they represent his attempt to weaken Mises’ condition of randomness. Adopting the causal terminology of freedom from aftereffect in constructed sequences, he defined a sequence as normal “if it is free from aftereffect and if the regular divisions belong to its domain of invariance” (p. 144; original in italics). Freedom from aftereffect means that the relative frequency composition of a series is unaffected by selecting out all the predecessors (or successors) of a given element (e.g., the zeros), a given pair (e.g., 01), and so on. The latter condition means that the series must be unchanged in the relative frequencies of its elements by a selection of elements at regular intervals of any given length.

统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|MTH412 Richard von Mises


统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|Richard von Mises

我已经暗示,到 20 世纪初,哲学上已经为彻底的概率频率理论做好了准备。Heidelberger (1987) 和 Kamlah (1987) 认为最近的科学发展也为正式频率理论的构建提供了支撑。Maxwell 从 Quetelet 获得了统计热力学的灵感。他的理论,加上布朗运动、放射性衰变的概念——甚至是对孟德尔遗传学工作的迟来的重新发现——都促成了概率指随机质量现象的观点。2此外,海德堡认为,参与量子理论的力学危机支持了从认识论到本体论的概率概念的转变。费希纳在理论上为米塞斯的形而上学非决定论奠定了基础,但当时的概率概念仍然与知识联系得太紧密——正如维恩和皮尔斯的理论所清楚的那样——费希纳的工作无法与之同化。



统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|Reichenbach

Hans Reichenbach, Theory of Probability (1935/1949) 的动机至少部分是为了修复米塞斯理论中的缺陷。他特别担心他的理论包含了频率论意义上的所有概率实例。因此,尽管米塞斯的定义导致他从他的理论中排除了许多普通的概率用法,但赖兴巴赫声称他的优势在于他的理论“导致了使语言的使用符合人类行为的术语的含义”(1935/1949,第 8 页)。在介绍他的理论时,他写道“现在可以提出同时满足数学和逻辑要求的最终概率理论”(p. v)。尽管他对频率理论的表述是最极端的,但与米塞斯相反,他的意图也是保持认知参考的中心,及其对归纳推理的关注。他提出的贝叶斯定理应用范围“非常广泛”(第 94 页),几乎和普莱斯的一样雄心勃勃:医学诊断、历史解释、侦探工作等等。他还声称证明了所有归纳推理都可以简化为枚举归纳。

尽管 Reichenbach 的工作来得太晚,无法对 Fisher 或 Neyman 和 Pearson 的统计推断理论(第 7 章)产生任何形成性影响,但仍有两个原因值得研究:(a) Reichenbach 的理论最接近于复制日常生活,概率的非反思意义(参见第 10 章),以及 (b) 我们可能会了解如何改进费舍尔和内曼 – 皮尔逊理论。

赖兴巴赫概率定义的技术方面与米塞斯的定义没有明显不同。作为概率定义的序列是理想构造的序列,Reichenbach 称之为“正常序列”;它们代表了他试图削弱米塞斯的随机性条件。在构建的序列中采用无后效应的因果术语,他将序列定义为“如果它没有后效应,并且如果规则划分属于其不变域”(第 144 页;斜体原文)。无后效应意味着序列的相对频率组成不受选择给定元素(例如,零)、给定对(例如,01)等的所有前驱(或后继)的影响。

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